- Fixed issues with counts in like system.
- Fixed issue with deleting comments on activity streams.
- Added header to Color Picker admin options.
- AJAX for “Likes” fixed on member profile template.
- Fixed issue with WP Admin Bar drop down, where News Feed linked to displayed profile instead of logged in user’s activity.
- Archive template properly displays two columns.
- AJAX loader works correctly with BuddyPress Group Email Subscription plugin.
Changed Files:
- buddy_boss_wall.php
- functions.php
- header.php (removed .menu-bg div)
- _inc/css/default.css (Sections 2.2, 6.5)
- _inc/global.js
- archive.php
- members/single/activity.php
- activity/entry.php (this now loads entry-default.php or entry-wall.php based on wall active state)
- activity/activity-wall-loop.php (removed for redundancy)
- activity/entry-default.php (new)
Known Issues:
- Calendar in certain plugins doesn’t display correctly in Firefox.
Tested With:
- BuddyPress 1.6.1
- WordPress 3.4.2