- Added site logo to Sign Up (Register) page.
- Removed an incorrect HTML comment in header.php.
- Fixed CSS display with long list items.
- Fixed CSS display with Group Email Subscriptions plugin.
- Fixed CSS display with U Forum Attachments plugin.
- Fixed CSS display with lists in forum posts.
- Fixed CSS bug with group Join/Leave buttons in IE7.
- When comments are closed, posts now display “Comments are closed” instead of “Leave a comment”.
- Updated permalink page template to include user profile links.
Changed Files:
- header.php
- registration/header.php
- index.php (comments section)
- archive.php (comments section)
- search.php (comments section)
- front-page.php (comments section)
- members/single/activity/permalink.php
- _inc/css/default.css
- _inc/css/registration.css (copy this file to your child theme also, if you’re using one)
Tested With:
- BuddyPress 1.2.8
- WordPress 3.1.3