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    I dont want the toolbar showing on my site. I have gathered it is used for the login button, and register. Instead of it remaining a button form, once logged in it becomes the toolbar. I really dont want the toolbar as it takes up space.

    Is there something going wrong or a setting I haven’t got right?

    I have found I cant used a resitrcit toolbar plugin as it stops the mobile version working. What can I do?









    @leighgregg Welcome to the BuddyBoss community! I think this plugin may be the easiest route for you with this WordPress issue:


    Thanks, I had joped to keep the admin bar for admin users, but if that isnt possible, than I will stick without it.

    Although this is where ht confusion begins. the demo of the theme turns the login button into what could be the toolbar, but in a button form. I dont seem to get this….I just get the toolbar. If I use the global remove admin bar, will this remove this too? Although I am not getting this button anyway, It might be nice if I had the option.


    1. How do I get this button popping up after login
    2. Is there a way to keep the admin bar just for admin?




    I tried the global remove toolbar, but it caused the same issues I had before. It destroys the mobile left profile menu. It no longer functions and jams in place once opened.



    @leighgregg the left profile menu is the adminbar. If you want the button admin bar then in DashBoard>Customize>WordPress Toolbar
    Select option to float right.


    Yes, I am getting there now. So I guess you have hidden some of the toolbar on the demo? at the moment I have the site url and various other section of the toolbar popup as I navigate around the site. What have you done to remove these additional toolbar elements?




    @leighgregg it depends on the user level what they see in the adminbar. You can remove elements using the WordPress codex here:

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