BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes Boss. theme Remove Left "Buddybar"?

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    Hi, I’m running a multisite, and i just purchased your “Boss.” theme. but i don’t like the side “buddybar” that’s on the left. It doesn’t match my other sites at all. where is the option to remove it? i’m actually not seeing very many options at all for this theme. Also. where is your demo content? you have some really cool stuff set up on your demo site that i love, but can’t seem to find an option for. thanks!





    I’m sure the Buddyboss crew can set you up with a better global solution, but for a quick fix you can select “No BuddyPanel” under “Page Attributes”. That will remove the left side BuddyPanel navigation menu.



    thank you for getting back with me so quickly! for some reason i’m not finding any option in my dashboard called “Page Attributes”…i’m sorry. where do i look? thank you for your help!


    I found the attributes! that was a dumb question. lol the only other issue i’m having, is when i go INTO a group(which is a page set by buddypress), i don’t have an option of disabling it. take
    http://members.routeyourtour.com/user-groups/bandsartists/ for instance. That is not a page i created manually, so i didn’t get attributes. how can i disable it in these group sections?



    @ksimpson1986 there should be a page called groups. Do the same thing as the other page. NOTE this will apply to ALL group pages including the main group directory page.


    I’m sorry, but this isn’t true. i have the home page of http://members.routeyourtour.com/ to go to the groups page. i set the main groups page to “no buddypanel”. BUT once you go inside the groups, it’s back http://members.routeyourtour.com/user-groups/bandsartists/. i don’t want that bar at all. if there is a CSS code that can remove it from the theme completely, that would be great. thanks!


    Would be helpful with a global setting to completely remove the BuddyPanel for those of us who wish to use only the header menu as our main navigation. There’s an option to remove it from logged out users now, but please add this option as well.




    @ksimpson1986 I just visited your site and the link you provided did not have the BuddyPanel. I was unable to reproduce your results of not having the BuddyPanel only on the group home page.

    to remove the buddypanel completely from your site add this to your functions.php file:

    add_filter( 'body_class','buddyboss_no_buddypanel' );
    function buddyboss_no_buddypanel( $classes ) {
        //hide buddypanel
            $classes[] = 'page-template-page-no-buddypanel';
            $classes[] = 'left-menu-open';
        return array_unique( $classes );

    the buddybar appears once you’re logged in as a member. that is why you’re not seeing it. also, that code did not work. i added it to my functions.php file, and it just crashed the entire theme and now i have to start over. i can’t even log in. thank you. i’ve submitted for a refund already. for future reference, this needs to be a checkbox option on the back end.





    @tjchester I tried the code above and it removed the left buddypanel initially. However, it still shows the hamburger icon at the top and then if that is clicked, it will still open up an empty buddypanel. Is there anyway to completely remove the buddypanel including the hamburger menu as well?

    I do agree there should be a simple option to remove this. While it is nice to have the option, to me it seems redundant to have SOOO many ways to access a profile or any of the navigation.

    In your Boss demo, you can literally select “forums” from 3 different menus: the buddybar, the top navigation, and from the avatar/profile drop down. You can select most other things from 2 menus. While awesome to have options… it seems too many are forced initially. I don’t know why someone would want to take up so much space and have so many options for the same thing on a single page. I assumed in the demo you had so many repeated links in order to just show all the options available in the Boss theme… but I didn’t realize they were forced and that was the expected outcome.

    Anyhow, the code above that you suggested mostly works. I just need to lose the hamburger and the associated action.



    @chiefgeek this forum is outdated. You can now change your pages to use the no BuddyPanel template to completely remove it. But if you already have it how you want it you can add this to custom.css to remove the “hamburger”:
    .site-header .left-col .icon#left-menu-toggle{display:none;}


    Nice @tjchester – that worked and now I am also utilizing that custom.css file for a bunch of things.



    Great! I’ll close this out.

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