BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes Boss. theme BuddyPanel Icons

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    Currently the BuddyPanel Icons for pages are all the same including WP pages and BP components.

    Is there any way to change the icons for the above 2?

    BP Profile icons are brilliant on the mobile view. Why are this same BP Profile icons not used on desktop version of boss theme?

    Kindly let me know



    forgot to attatch the pic



    You can edit the icons within the Menus section of wordpress. CSS Classes must be visible when viewing your Menus section, so if you don’t see “CSS Classes” for each menu item go to the top of the page select screen options and check CSS Classes to be enabled. You can then freely change the icons to whatever youd like by pasting in the shortcode found on http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/.



    @ryanmaler @tjchester thanks..wroks great..close this ticket




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