BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes Boss. theme Profile options not showing

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    When I click on any of the options under my profile (View, edit and change Profile Photo) or notifications, settings, messages, etc, nothing shows, I get an empty page with all the elements like the header, sidebar, profile banner,etc.. all but the actual content.

    At fisrt I thought it was my global buddypress settings but I tried deactivating the Boss theme and everything shows. Is it a bug? how can we get this fixed?

    Look at screenshots please and let me know.



    Sorry i uploaded the wrong screenshot showing the exact same page (profile settings) after deactivating the Boss Theme, here’s the right one



    Hey @vefusion, I have attached screenshot it works perfect, Please try to deactivate additional plugin to find which plugin is creating issue.


    Theres was no other plugin causing the issue, when I first installed the theme nothing was showing until I added one more buddypress option (I believe it was Friends or groups) then everything started showing. It’s all working fine now. Bug?



    Hi @vefusion, Friends component is required for the theme at present. We have fixed that dependency it will be released in next version of theme.
    Varun Dubey


    Thats bad news for me as friends is the one component I won’t use, right now I have it enabled for testings but I am going with the “Follow” component instead. How long until the new update is released? If is not any time soon (meaning within the next week) could you please guide me on how to fix it myself? any code snippet for the mint time?



    Hi @vefusion, It is included as high priority task, new updates will be pushed this week.


    Now thats get news! Thank you very much! Appreciate you looking into this!



    Hi @vefusion, it is fixed with current version push 1.1.9 , when activity and friends component is disabled you will not get any issues.


    Thank you so much !!!!!!! This is greatly appreciated !



    I will close this topic, feel free to create new for any further queries.

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