BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Solutions Social Learner Strange Stuff (menu mismatches and content issues)

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    When I view a course (Capture 1), the course content displays normally but the sub menu displays in english.
    ( HOME / FORUM / COURS / MEMBERS / SEND INVITES / MANAGE ) except the “COURS” item which is in French (Menu item in english is “COURSE”).

    The active link (see screenshot) is put on “HOME”
    That page is displayed with an url : cours/cursus-room-le-fonctionnement/

    If I click on “COURS” or “HOME”, nothing special happens (content and url remain the same)
    If I click to another menu item, like “SEND INVITES” for example, I get the menu in French (Capture 2).
    The url is now : /groupes/cursus-room-le-fonctionnement/send-invites/ which looks normal to me.

    If I click now on “COURS” from that screen, the content is now broken. Some parts are missing (Capture 3).
    The url is now : groupes/cursus-room-le-fonctionnement/experiences/
    I have no clue why that slug “experiences” is used … ????

    If I click now on “Accueil” (Home), I get the activity flow (Capture 4)

    I must say I’m a bit lost here …. and have some difficulties to understand the logic.

    Any idea ?




    Is there somethng new here ?


    Eric, I’m seeing the same thing. In fact, I’ve been monitoring the support forums since I bought Social Learner, and these problems have been described on previous occasions: here, among others…

    BuddyBoss: What’s the ETA on a fix for these issues? My feeling is that Social Learner isn’t really a usable product until confusing behavior like this is sorted out, and it’s now been months since the initial release.


    Thanks David.
    Saw on the provided link it was raised for more than a month now.
    Does not sound good to me….

    The point is : I cannot go live with such an issue.



    Hi @ericheymans and @davejay , At present We are working on all major issues of Social Theme and it’s on top priority. Thank you for your patience.


    Hi @vpavarun

    Just to mention that the recent (today) updates of Boss for Sensei (1.0.2) and Sensei for Buddypress 1.0.8 do not help with the issues described.

    Now, I’m going to translate additional strings found in those versions and restore the translated files the updates removed 🙁


    Additional info :

    I have now located the translated files (Boss for Sensei and Buddypress for Sensei) in
    wp-content > languages > plugins
    and the translation mismatches described in the screenshot Capture 1 are ok (even those menus are coming from 2 different files).

    The missing content (Capture 3) and Translation mismatches (Capture 4) are still there.




    Hi @ericheymans,
    meantime you can include this to custom css

    .single-course .post.module {
    overflow: visible !important;



    Hi @vpavarun

    It helps to get back the modules and lessons. Thanks

    The course description is missing (just for info).

    After looking at the structure in Chrome Inspector, it seems there is no <div> pointing to the course content section.
    On the course link (Capture 1), that section is under a class : entry-content that I do not retrieve on the faulty page (Capture 3).

    I attach a screen shot




    Hello @ericheymans, issue is already fixed and will be pushed in next update.
    for the course desc <section> is already there



    Thanks @vapvarun

    I hope that update will arrive before September 23d !
    I need to see it from my own eyes.

    I want just to remind you that the missing course description is only one part of the behavior issues I raised.
    There is still the translation mix to fix (I translated all possible files). Please see Capture 4.
    For me, that’s even more annoying than the missing course description.

    Cheers !



    Hi @ericheymans, what exactly you are expecting in screenshot 4, Home will point to activity of the group. That’s default nature of group.


    Hi @vapvarun

    On Capture 4, you can see a mix of english en french. Just read the text on that screen shot.

    “Vous added the lesson XYZ to the course ABC il y a 3 semaines et 5 jours”

    The second message is also a mix of FR/RN and the 3d line is full in french…


    I meant a mix of FR/EN (and not FR/RN)



    Hi @ericheymans, please pm your login details. I will check all remain strings.

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