BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes Boss. theme Why was "Magnific Popup" not working until i renamed "js" folder and named back

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    Javascript js problem? Magnific Popup Lightbox


    I was trying to get closeOnBgClick: true working but the click on the dark background wasn’t detected.
    Than, I renamed the boss/js folder to “jss”. Now closeOnBgClick was working just fine so I named the folder back to “js”.
    Strange to me. What is happening there? Have I made some bad mistake by renaming “js”?






    Hi @snikay
    It’s clear that specific Magnific Popup have conflict with the Boss js files
    When you are renaming the js folder all the Boss js files getting 404 thus they are not in action to conflict, thus your Magnific Popup is working.
    Varun Dubey


    @vapvarun Hi,
    Right, I noticed that. But the thing I’m confused with is, that I already named the JS-folder back to normal and everything is working just fine! Or is it, because all js still having 404s?



    Hi @snikay, not sure
    might be some cache issue

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