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    For a menu tab in a Group (site/groups/groupname) , I used

    /* Hide Group Tabs */
    #nav-notifications-groups-li {
    display: none; !important;
    #members-groups-li {
    display: none; !important;

    in my Buddyboss child theme to hide the email notifications and members items. Worked well

    Now for the Profile (site/members/username/profile/)
    I am trying to remove the Wall menu item

    /* Hide Profile Tabs */
    #wp-admin-bar-my-account-activity {
    display: none; !important;

    – this unfortunately does not work.

    Any advice appreciated, thanks




    Hi @palmdoc, Please attach a screenshot so I could provide an exact code for that.



    Thanks but I managed to figure out. Removing ‘Wall’ and ‘Friends’ from the Profile menu :

    #activity-personal-li {
    display: none; !important;

    #friends-personal-li {
    display: none; !important;


    The above all works for me in a desktop browser. In the mobile Buddyboss theme the menu items still show up.
    Any clues as to why this is so?




    Hi @palmdoc, Provide me your site url so I could check it once.


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