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    I can’t figure out where it is coming from, but I have orange in the background somewhere. So, when it is loading some pages, it will flash the orange background and then cover up with the white for the body. Can anyone help me figure it out? It is real annoying




    Hi @randomtheo,

    Hi @randomtheo
    I have notified about it to developers
    Please add following to your custom.css

    html, #profile-nav span, #wp-admin-bar-shortcode-secondary .alert, .header-notifications a.notification-link span, .site-header #wp-admin-bar-shortcode-secondary .alert, .header-notifications a.notification-link span, .entry-meta .comments-link a, .entry-meta .post-date time {
        background-color: transparent!important;

    Varun Dubey


    Can’t do that. You take away my notifications bubble at the top. I had made it orange and now doing your code, it makes it transparent so that it won’t be seen.


    I made it a light grey until it is fixed



    okay fine

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