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    The theme bussyboss is great!

    The only trouble I am experiencing is that my custom made shorcodes are not working. They show as plain [shortcode] in the side bar widgets. If I use other theme they work normally. What is the issue and how do I fix?

    Please help!

    Thank you!



    Try adding: add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode'); in your functions.php.


    Thank you!

    that worked!

    How can I do to make the links the users post in the wall to have target=”_blank” so they dont leave the our site?


    Thank you!


    here is the ticket updated:

    1) How do I change the favicon?
    2) How can I do to make the links the users post in the wall to have target=”_blank” so they dont leave the our site?


    Thank you!


    here is the ticket updated:

    1) How can I do to make the links the users post in the wall to have target=”_blank” so they dont leave the our site?
    2) The photo ulpload for the buddy media plugin uploads the portrait photos as landscape. Please help!


    Thank you!


    here is the ticket updated:

    1) How can I do to make the links the users post in the wall to have target=”_blank” so they dont leave the our site?
    2) The photo upload for the buddy media plugin uploads the portrait photos as landscape. Please help!
    3) When activating buddy wall the “Favorite” little button option disappear from below the users updates in the wall. If the plugin is active, there is “Comment” and “I like”. And if the plugin is deactivated there is “Comment” and “Favorite”. How do I keep the 3 of them: “Comment”, “Favorite” and “I like”?



    Thank you!


    here is the ticket updated:

    1) How can I do to make the links the users post in the wall to have target=”_blank” so they dont leave the our site?
    2) The photo upload for the buddy media plugin uploads the portrait photos as landscape. Please help!
    3) When activating buddy wall the “Favorite” little button option disappear from below the users updates in the wall. If the plugin is active, there is “Comment” and “I like”. And if the plugin is deactivated there is “Comment” and “Favorite”. How do I keep the 3 of them: “Comment”, “Favorite” and “I like”?
    4) how do I use my own custom login/registration page. Some links, like the “login to comment”, takes the user to wp default login page. Is there a hook or filter I can use?



    Thank you!



    Hi @karlos,

    You can add a favicon or site icon from WordPress admin area. Simply go to Appearance » Customize and click on the ‘Site Identity’ tab.

    For new tab check WP External Links plugin it will open all the external links in new tab



    Thanks for the reply

    1) The photo upload for the buddy media plugin uploads the portrait photos as landscape. Please help!
    2) When activating buddy wall the “Favorite” little button option disappear from below the users updates in the wall. If the plugin is active, there is “Comment” and “I like”. And if the plugin is deactivated there is “Comment” and “Favorite”. How do I keep the 3 of them: “Comment”, “Favorite” and “I like”?
    3) how do I use my own custom login/registration page. Some links, like the “login to comment”, takes the user to wp default login page. Is there a hook or filter I can use?
    4) Where do I translate the “Site Wide Activity” title in the main activity page? I cannot find it with loco translate neither in the theme or plugins

    Please help,

    Thank you!



    Hi @karlos,
    1) Inside the BuddyBoss Media plugin there is a setting for Image rotation , please turn that on
    2) We have modified same BuddyPress Favorite as Like with BuddyBoss Wall plugin
    3) You can use theme “my login login” plugin or any one similar it will allow you to lock down wordpress wp-login.php and will allow you to keep login at a page
    4) You can translate that inside BuddyPress language files


    Thank you for the reply, you mean “https://wordpress.org/plugins/theme-my-login/” to lock the native wp login page?



    yes, there are few other plugin in WordPress repo to lock down wp-login.php

    Varun Dubey

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