BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes Boss. theme Dreaded 404s from right user menu adn Register…

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    Running nothing but current versions of everything (this was a new install). I’m not sure where to post this…so feel free to move me. 🙂

    I have WP v4.4, BuddyBoss Boss v2.0.4 (both main & child installed but I’m working directly from the child theme), BuddyPress v2.4.2, and s2Member Pro v151210 (Note: The problem appeared before s2Member was installed).

    In order of installation:
    s2Member Pro

    Two issues listed here; both appear related to the same problem.

      Right side of Site (Menu click) gives 404:

    Everything appears to be working correctly except I get 404s on every click using the User Options on the right side of the site. I did add BuddyBoss “Wall” & “Photos”…but no improvement. If I log in as Admin, I can visually see the menu on the right side. I hover over the Avatar and menu options, and a menu shows up. Clicking on any “item”, gives a 404 page. All links act the same.

    To isolate the issue, I tried this:
    I created a second user (while logging in as Admin) and that same “test” user still gives me a 404 when I click on his “menu” on the right.

    Titlebar works:
    I created a titlebar menu and its works as expected.

    BuddyMenu works:
    I created a BuddyMenu on the left side of the site and it works as expected.

    Notifications Fails:
    Clicking on Notifications gives a 404.

    Could this be the issue (in disguise)?
    The following active BuddyPress Components do not have associated WordPress Pages: Activate, Register. Repair

    So I created a page called “Registration” and one called “Activate”…assigned them to the two components. Saved the setting…but 404 still there.

    Permalink Settings – Mine are set to this:

    I tried all other settings without success.

      Issue #2: The following path does contain a register.php and an active.php page.


    I activated “Allow Register” inside s2Member…and I get the buttons on the site “Register” and “Login”. But when clicking “Register”, I get a 404 page.

    What am I missing? I bet its simple. 🙂

    TIA –





    Hi @stingray309
    make sure you have .htaccess file inside your root install and
    Keep your permalinks for post name
    index.php should not be inside the permalinks

    Above will fix your issues

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