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    Hi there,

    I’m trying to figure out how to assign students in my Sensei courses the role of “student” in Social Learner.

    I know “BP for Sensei” allows for converting “subscribers” to “students, but since I sell courses with Woocommerce, my students have the default role of “customer”, not “subscriber”.

    But even if I was able to convert “customers” to “students”, I’d need to select the specific customers who purchased a course and not some other product on my site, and I don’t know if there’s a way to do that.

    Clearly, “BP for Sensei” is able to distinguish students enrolled in a course from other site users and assign them to to a BP group. Is there a way to assign them the “student” role, too?




    Hi @davejay, In woocommerce, by default any registration process should assign the users the default WC role, Customer.
    You can change it subscriber..check the following url that will guide you how to set the default role for Woocommerce.




    I understand, @pallavi, and that’s helpful for future students. But I’ve been using Sensei for over two years and already have lots of students with the ‘customer’ role. Manually changing them to ‘subscribers’ one-at-a-time would be beyond tedious and very time consuming.

    Since the “BP for Sensei” plugin is already able to detect what users are attached to Sensei courses and add them to the corresponding group, I was hoping there would be a way to target those users with a function to change their roles in bulk. If no such thing exists, perhaps this is something that can be added to your development roadmap?




    Hi @davejay, I will have to discuss about it with developers to see if something we can do to change it in one time execution.


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