BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes OneSocial theme tut: change the buttons' color for better display

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    for the people willing to play with design and CSS, here is a little bit of code you can put in the OneSocial Theme Options >> Custom Codes >> CSS

    see the screenshot for example of result. you can play with the colors as you wish.

    /* generate background and border colors for these buttons - missing in theme */
    .helper-links .bb-helper-icon,
    .sl-icon, .sl-icon:before,
    .sl-count, .sl-count:before {
        background-color: #fffff1  !important;
    /* add2any button */
    .a2a_dd.addtoany_no_icon:before {
        border-color: blue !important;
    /* bookmark button - member blog */
    .helper-links .bb-helper-icon {
        border-color: orange !important;
    /* recommendation bubbles */
    .sl-icon, .sl-icon:before,
    .sl-count, .sl-count:before {
        border-color: red !important;

    PS: the demo theme was customized a lot, so yes, your version will not look like the one in the screenshot.



    btw, guys, it would be good to be able to add background-color to these buttons from the Customizer…



    Hi @jeanpierre
    Thanks for your input
    I have also notified developer to consider these options in option panel
    Varun Dubey


    we hardly can add hover effect to these buttons and the tags because of the CSS used to design them… having :before make it impossible to use :hover at will, so we lack that real effect we could have with simplier buttons. maybe a ajax inject of effect could do, but it’s not really useful.



    Hi @jeanpierre
    You can use like this


    Varun Dubey


    damn, that’s why i was unable to work it out, i forgot the double “::” …. and i knew about it, i’m just blind… lol







    We added hover effect into core theme now, in latest release 1.0.5.

    This should make it easier to override with CSS.

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