
LifterLMS Custom Development / LifterLMS Developers / Experts

Helping you build, customize, and set up custom features for your LifterLMS eLearning courses and community.

Trusted by over 45,000 businesses

We know eLearning

Congratulations!You’ve chosen LifterLMS to deliver your online courses. As BuddyPress experts and a LifterLMS partner, we know the software inside and out. If you’re in need of LifterLMS developers, we can help you customize functions and features to get even more flexibility from one of the most trusted learning management systems out there. Whether you need web design, web development, full site builds or just a few bug fixes and tweaks, we’ve got you covered.We specialize in building fast, scalable, money-generating LifterLMS eLearning sites, that allow your students to take their courses from home and on your connected mobile app.Not using LifterLMS? We take on other types of requests — especially for job networks, intranets, and general social networks. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you think you would be a good fit!

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Our products and services are used by a wide range of successful entrepreneurs and small to large businesses
Be our next success story

Get started on launching your online course platform with BuddyBoss today and turn your skills and expertise into a successful online business.


Need to move your content, courses, members, features and anything else you’ve already worked hard to build to a new platform? We can help you complete migrations between a wide variety of platforms.

We will help you improve the user experience of your website. Our designers can help with creating custom designs, and our developers can help implement and improve the interfaces.

Member sites are very dynamic. As your membership grows, you may need help improving site performance or your hosting infrastructure. We help you optimize your site so that you can run properly, always.

Our team is here to help you immediately when you have an issue. We keep your plugins up to date, and our expertise ensures you don’t have to waste time searching for solutions.

With our website, theme and plugin development services, we help you build an eLearning community or classroom, owned by you. We love to push the boundaries – if you can imagine it, we can build it!

We can help you customize functions and features for any popular eLearning and membership plugins. (And probably obscure ones too.)

We are the only web development company building custom mobile apps for WordPress sites on React Native.

Start now and turn your knowledge into a profitable online course

Lifter LMS Provides

Multimedia Lessons

Build lessons around video, audio, text, and images to accommodate any learning style.


Create tests and quizzes to test retention and skills using a variety of media.

Course Builder

Visual, drag-and-drop course builder makes learning design easy.

Drip Content

Control access to content and protect your future revenue by releasing material over time.


Restrict access to courses and lessons until prerequisites are fulfilled successfully.

Course Tracks

Offer certifications and degrees for groups of courses completed in any order.

Quiz Timer

Allot time limits so students can demonstrate their understanding of material within a particular time window.

Student Dashboard

Student profiles help learners stay organized and keep track of their progress.

Multi Instructor

Assign multiple instructors for teaching in teams or even allowing multiple instructors to administer the same course.

Lesson Downloads

Upload worksheets, ebooks, PDFs, audios, and other files to offer students offline learning.

Discussion Areas

Feature multiple discussion areas: lesson comments, forums, private coaching areas, timelines and more.

Instructional Design

LifterLMS’ instructional design software helps you build effective courses for your learning objectives.

Form Integrations

Integrates with form plugins so you can collect information, contact details and assignments from your students.

Course Reviews

Allow students to leave review and testimonials to boost your sales.

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