Brian replied to the question Increasing width of site title area in the forum Boss. theme 8 years, 10 months ago
Okay, now it works perfectly! Thank you!!
Brian replied to the question Removing 'Edit' on pages for subscribers in the forum Boss. theme 8 years, 10 months ago
I got rid of the link by adding the following CSS:
.entry-meta .edit-link {
display: none;
}I still don’t know where it’s coming from but it’s gone and the solution didn’t impact anything else so I’m satisfied. You can close this thread. Thanks!
Brian replied to the question Increasing width of site title area in the forum Boss. theme 8 years, 10 months ago
With that setting, there is a small window in the top bar that text or images scroll into. Easy fix or should I just go back to my previous setting?
Brian replied to the question Increasing width of site title area in the forum Boss. theme 8 years, 10 months ago
That was perfect!
Thank you! You are terrific!! 🙂
Brian replied to the question Removing 'Edit' on pages for subscribers in the forum Boss. theme 8 years, 10 months ago
Thank you for the reply.
I have disabled all plugins except Visual Composer, which is needed for rendering the pages correctly. As you can see in the first photo, the Edit link is still on the page. Disabling bbPress added a new “edit with visual composer” link that was not there previously.
I tried disabling Visual composer, too.…[Read more]
Brian started the question Removing 'Edit' on pages for subscribers in the forum Boss. theme 8 years, 10 months ago
I’ve created a couple of test users for the new website I’m working on. Each one has the subscriber role. That role has the normal permissions associated with it.
Each of these users sees a small ‘Edit’ link at the bottom of every single page. I need to remove that edit link and, for the life of me, I don’t see how. These users should never…[Read more]
Brian started the question Increasing width of site title area in the forum Boss. theme 8 years, 10 months ago
I searched but did not find any other questions regarding this. It is (I think!) my very last CSS question. The site is coming along nicely and looks good.
I do not have a site logo, nor do I want to use one. Instead, I simply want to use the site’s title, which is 17 characters long. I would like to use Pacifico, 30px, normal weight but that…[Read more]
Brian started the question Scrolling error with menu in Buddy Bar in the forum Boss. theme 8 years, 10 months ago
I have a site menu that is displayed in the Buddy Bar (BuddyBar??). There are nine items in the menu. Each menu item has a submenu. Each submenu has from three to six items in it.
Depending on what I have selected in the menu, I get different scrolling behavior:
1. If no submenu items are open, the BuddyBar content does not scroll with the…[Read more]
Brian started the question Scrolling error with menu in Buddy Bar in the forum Boss. theme 8 years, 10 months ago
I have a site menu that is displayed in the Buddy Bar (BuddyBar??). There are nine items in the menu. Each menu item has a submenu. Each submenu has from three to six items in it.
Depending on what I have selected in the menu, I get different scrolling behavior:
1. If no submenu items are open, the BuddyBar content does not scroll with the…[Read more]
Brian started the question Scrolling error with menu in Buddy Bar in the forum Boss. theme 8 years, 10 months ago
I have a site menu that is displayed in the Buddy Bar (BuddyBar??). There are nine items in the menu. Each menu item has a submenu. Each submenu has from three six items in it.
Depending on what I have selected in the menu, I get different scrolling behavior:
1. If no submenu items are open, the BuddyBar content does not scroll with the page…[Read more]
Brian replied to the question Menu styling CSS question in the forum Boss. theme 8 years, 10 months ago
Great! Thank you! 🙂
Brian started the question Menu styling CSS question in the forum Boss. theme 8 years, 10 months ago
The colors for the nav menu submenu items did not appear to be able to be styled through the theme styles page — or, at the very least, those options and colors did not appear anywhere on that page for me.
I decided to use CSS and, after hunting around a bit, have gotten the nav menu mostly to where I want it. Here’s the CSS that I added to my…[Read more]
Brian started the question Menu styling CSS question in the forum Boss. theme 8 years, 10 months ago
The colors for the nav menu submenu items did not appear to be able to be styled through the theme styles page — or, at the very least, those options and colors did not appear anywhere on that page for me.
I decided to use CSS and, after hunting around a bit, have gotten the nav menu mostly to where I want it. Here’s the CSS that I added to my…[Read more]
Brian replied to the question Limit upload size in the forum BuddyBoss Media 8 years, 10 months ago
Thank you!! 🙂
Brian replied to the question Limit upload size in the forum BuddyBoss Media 8 years, 10 months ago
I’m bringing this topic back to the front. I just installed Media and was very surprised that there is no ability to limit the upload sizes. Please consider adding this option in the next release. It’s pretty important. 🙂
Brian replied to the question Changing format of New Post page fields in the forum BuddyPress User Blog 8 years, 10 months ago
That’s perfect! 🙂
I can usually figure out whatever CSS changes I need in order to do what I want and I was pretty sure that this was going to be a change in the SAP fields but it was not clear at all to me exactly what part to modify.
This will make a really big improvement in the usability of that page, especially for people whose vision…[Read more]
Brian started the question Changing format of New Post page fields in the forum BuddyPress User Blog 8 years, 10 months ago
I have installed Boss 2.0 and User Blog. The Blog post page works okay but it’s hard to figure out if you don’t already know where the fields are. Worse, the very light gray text is very difficult for people with visual handicaps to see. How can I make the color of the “Title” and “Tell your story” much darker and, preferably, outline the input…[Read more]