ImpartialGeek started the question Showing Profiles on Left side in the forum Social Blogger 9 years ago
Hey, I notice in all of your demos, you almost always have the good stuff on the left, but when we purchase it is on the right, and there is no button or way to make it look the same.
In the demo of Social Blogger, when you are in your profile area, you have the profile info on the left and the tabs on the right. Can you please explain how you…[Read more]
ImpartialGeek started the question Social Blogger Feature Requests in the forum Requests and Feedback 9 years ago
It would be nice if we could allow/disallow people to create categories and or tags. Would be nice to have certain tags that were site owners only, or that were made available to certain roles. Having all tags/categories there for the public could get scary because we all know that people will tag the shit out of every post thinking it gives them…[Read more]
ImpartialGeek started the question Google Fonts Missing in the forum Boss. theme 9 years ago
I am using a version of Boss. theme that seems to be missing all of the Google Fonts. Is there a way to correct this?
ImpartialGeek's profile was updated 9 years ago
ImpartialGeek started the question Not looking at all like it does on the site in the forum Social Learner 9 years ago
I have installed this all the way I was shown, and it does not look at all like it does on the website. Not sure what I am doing wrong.
bode12 purchased 11 years, 4 months ago