Bryce replied to the question Strange Redirect Loop in the forum Boss. theme 9 years ago
Hi @pallavi – I believe it was happening before we had that plugin.
I deactivated it and it’s still occuring.
Bryce started the question Creating Stacked Menu In Or Right Above Footer in the forum Boss. theme 9 years ago
Is there a way to create a more complex menu in or near the footer? I’m wanting something similar to what you have on this site with the different columns and email capture.
Bryce replied to the question Strange Redirect Loop in the forum Boss. theme 9 years ago
Hi @pallavi – I’m using the Redirection plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/redirection/
I only have one redirect setup to make any logged-in users navigating to “/” (home) are redirected to our “Stories” (activity) page.
Bryce replied to the question Strange Redirect Loop in the forum Boss. theme 9 years ago
I have an update. Today, when I navigated to the “Notifications” section of my profile on the website, I tried to click on a specific notification to redirect me to the photo that was liked.
That was when I got the redirect loop I’m talking about above. Obviously, this is a huge issue if every time someone tries to reply to comments (etc.) they…[Read more]
Bryce started the question Strange Redirect Loop in the forum Boss. theme 9 years ago
I had a user email me about a redirect error. She said that it mostly happened when she was trying to read notifications on the platform.
When I had a tab open, I came back to it from another (on Chrome) and saw the same error. Unfortunately I don’t remember what page I was on or what I had clicked/reloading.
Screenshot attached.
Bryce started the question Remove Filters On Activity Wall in the forum Boss. theme 9 years ago
I’m wanting to reduce the space before the first photo/post appears on this page: https://www.theoneproject.co/stories/
Is there a way to remove the filters (All Photos / All Albums)? They aren’t being used at all.
Bryce started the question Change FontAwesome Icon For Send Invites in the forum Boss. theme 9 years ago
I know that the Buddypress icons are locked to the theme, but is it at all possible for the theme to be updated to use this icon (fa-paper-plane-o) for “Send Invites” instead?
Right now, it’s just using a blank page icon, which doesn’t look that great…
Or is there a way for me to be able to override this in any way?
Bryce replied to the question Remove Global Search Bar Visibilty to Visitors in the forum Boss. theme 9 years ago
Hi @tjchester
Is there a way to implement this solution (https://www.buddyboss.com/support-forums/topic/hiding-search-box-andor-results-from-logged-out-users/) but also have the top bar menu be able to expand out further?
I have the search bar hidden, but my menu is still compressed (see screenshot).
Bryce replied to the question Issue with PlaceHolder Text In Login Screen Forms in the forum Boss. theme 9 years ago
I found this through S2Member ( http://s2member.com/kb-article/how-can-i-remove-important-from-loginregistration-design/ ), which seemed to unlock some other design elements, but the code provided still doesn’t work.
Is there a way to simply add in additional text to say “Username” and “Password” near those fields? This is a really crucial bug…[Read more]
Bryce replied to the question Different homepage if not logged in the forum Boss. theme 9 years ago
Hi @vapvarun – sorry if this is an obvious question, but I’ve tried searching and can’t find the answer.
If I’m already using S2Member, how would I control the different home pages for logged in / out users?
Bryce replied to the question Issue with PlaceHolder Text In Login Screen Forms in the forum Boss. theme 9 years ago
Hi @pallavi – I tried that and it doesn’t seem to work either.
I do want to keep the S2Member login, it looks great, I just need the “Username” and “Password” fields to show up somewhere.
It seems like something else is overriding it — do you mind checking the compatibility of the theme with S2Member?
Bryce replied to the question Issue with PlaceHolder Text In Login Screen Forms in the forum Boss. theme 9 years ago
Hi @pallavi – I tried that and it still isn’t working.
Bryce started the question Issue with PlaceHolder Text In Login Screen Forms in the forum Boss. theme 9 years ago
My login screen is showing placeholder text in the login form for “Username” and “Password” in white against a very light grey, making it basically invisible.
I posted on the support forum for S2Members (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/placeholder-text-in-custom-login-issues?replies=5#post-8007016), as I’ve customized it through the plugin,…[Read more]
Bryce started the question Issue with PlaceHolder Text In Login Screen Forms in the forum Boss. theme 9 years ago
My login screen is showing placeholder text in the login form for “Username” and “Password” in white against a very light grey, making it basically invisible.
I posted on the support forum for S2Members (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/placeholder-text-in-custom-login-issues?replies=5#post-8007016), as I’ve customized it through the plugin,…[Read more]
Bryce started the question Issue with PlaceHolder Text In Login Screen Forms in the forum Boss. theme 9 years ago
My login screen is showing placeholder text in the login form for “Username” and “Password” in white against a very light grey, making it basically invisible.
I posted on the support forum for S2Members (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/placeholder-text-in-custom-login-issues?replies=5#post-8007016), as I’ve customized it through the plugin,…[Read more]
Bryce replied to the question Different homepage if not logged in the forum Boss. theme 9 years ago
@virginiofanelli or @vapvarun – for the solution above, sorry if this is obvious, but what should the /public page be for? Is that the homepage for non-members?
And then the Wordpress homepage is set to the one for members?
Bryce replied to the question WC Vendors Login conflict in the forum Boss. theme 9 years ago
@pallavi the website is https://www.theoneproject.co/
the login button is working fine now (issue from other thread).
I still need the register button to go to https://www.theoneproject.co/membership-sign-up/ and the fix you mentioned above was implemented, but isn’t working
Bryce started the question Login Button Not Responding in the forum Boss. theme 9 years ago
Currently, when clicking the login button at the top right of the site, nothing happens.
I tried to place the custom BuddyPress link in the footer, but for some reason that’s redirecting to my S2Members Membership Options Page. Not sure if that’s caused by S2 or not.
Also, I haven’t heard back on this yet, but it may be related: https://www.buddy…[Read more]
Bryce changed their profile picture 9 years ago
Bryce replied to the question Notifications in Title Bar Menu and Buddy Panel not showing in the forum Boss. theme 9 years ago
Notifications don’t seem to be working on my site as well.
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