Bryce replied to the question Show @handle in activity feed / forums in the forum Requests and Feedback 9 years ago
@tjchester – I tried that fix you provided above and it broke everything, haha. Is there a different way you’re doing it now? Or I possibly put it in the wrong place?
I added it to functions.php of the child theme in the section where it says to add the custom code.
Bryce replied to the question WC Vendors Login conflict in the forum Boss. theme 9 years ago
@pallavi – I tried that and it still seems to be going to /register
I am using s2Member as well, may that be affecting it?
Bryce replied to the question WC Vendors Login conflict in the forum Boss. theme 9 years ago
I have the same issue and I’ve tried making the edit in my header.php or left-panel.php in the child theme, but can’t find where to make the edit (do not see /register anywhere).
I want the Register button to direct to /membership-sign-up so that potential new users see the sales page and from their they have the option to choose the free…[Read more]