Claron started the question User Menu Editing in the forum Boss. theme 9 years, 3 months ago
Whenever a new plugin is installed it adds a menu item to the users dropdown menu (the one near their profile image). The issue is once you’ve installed a lot of plugins that add items to this menu the menu extends beyond the page. Since the header is fixed it keeps users from accessing menu options below the fold. There needs to be a way to edit…[Read more]
Claron started the question Cache in the forum Boss. theme 10 years ago
I read a cache tutorial from buddyboss via https://www.buddyboss.com/buddypress-speed-and-performance/
Can we get an updated tutorial?
Claron started the question How to Maximize BuddyBoss Potential in the forum Boss. theme 10 years ago
As a noobie to coding, editing, html, css, and all things wordpress and buddypress I thought it would be nice to share a few things with the buddyboss community. Besides, buddyboss itself is truly a social network about the creations of the BuddyBoss team.
The first step when editing is to remember to be patient, have google, wordpress codex, and…[Read more]
Claron started the question How to Maximize BuddyBoss Potential in the forum Boss. theme 10 years ago
As a noobie to coding, editing, html, css, and all things wordpress and buddypress I thought it would be nice to share a few things with the buddyboss community. Besides, buddyboss itself is truly a social network about the creations of the BuddyBoss team.
The first step when editing is to remember to be patient, have google, wordpress codex, and…[Read more]
Claron replied to the question Home Page in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 10 years ago
just posting a few tags to make my searches easier
Claron replied to the question I have an idea or "request" in the forum Boss. theme 10 years ago
Ok, that’s good well in that case I guess Ill just post my ideas here.
Claron replied to the question Slider on home (activity) page in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 10 years ago
Worked for me… Now Im wondering how would I create an if statement like
if user is logged in do not display the button and it’s text on slide 1….
Cchatmon92 and
TJ Chester (Admin) are now friends 10 years ago
Claron replied to the question I have an idea or "request" in the forum Boss. theme 10 years ago
@tjchester if a tour isn’t available would it be possible to simply use tooltips and set them to ids? MY only concern would be that fact that each tool tip would need to be able to be closed while activating the next one. #justanidea …..
Claron replied to the question I have an idea or "request" in the forum Boss. theme 10 years ago
My thing is that I think builders of wordpress themes have to realize that there are some people that only know how to use facebook. “competition” as a social media relys on removing the users need to ask, think, or wonder how.
Claron changed their profile picture 10 years ago
Claron replied to the question I have an idea or "request" in the forum Boss. theme 10 years ago
Thanks @tjchester. I was wondering if you got my message about the buddyboss theme in my account?
Claron started the question I have an idea or "request" in the forum Boss. theme 10 years ago
Since people are so used to Facebook it’s hard for them to automatically pick up and run with the new website, especially mobile. I was thinking that if you guys added a tour to the theme that included menu, profile slider, and just a way to guide someone through the website that was desktop and mobile responsive it would actually make it easier…[Read more]
Claron replied to the question Deactivate Buttons for tinymce editor in the forum Boss. theme 10 years ago
Hey @tjchester I bought buddyboss when it came out about a years ago, but I received a refund. I just went through my downloads and it still gives me access to download the theme. I didn’t realize it until I realized buddyboss and boss are two separate themes. You guys work to hard to be robbed. Just wanted to let you know. I will delete the one I…[Read more]
Claron replied to the question in the forum Claron 10 years ago
Delete this post. Come to find out the link I was using from the initial install didn’t have access top the updated customization.
Claron started the question in the forum Boss. theme 10 years ago
All of my customizations wont save. I saw a notice about css. but I didn’t get to read it.
Claron started the question Boo Hoo Woo Woo Commerce in the forum Boss. theme 10 years ago
So umm woo commerce is soooo not ready for the boss on desktop, tablet or mobile.
Claron replied to the question Wishlist! in the forum Boss. theme 10 years ago
Agreed, but we gotta get what’s already here fixed first.
Claron replied to the question Add Photo Button in the forum Boss. theme 10 years ago
To add an issue to the ad photo button, mine is loading very slow. Sometimes the photos do not even show up on the timeline. I am also using Google page speech services.
Claron replied to the question Deactivate Buttons for tinymce editor in the forum Boss. theme 10 years ago
Just got the new update to Boss, no changelogs?
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