Derek replied to the question demo import in the forum Social MarketPlace 8 years, 10 months ago
HI Bruce – I’ve just gotten to this stage. So to make the vendors show in the store in the same way that they are in the demo, I am guessing you one by one went in and added the right image/right size to each user/seller’s profile?
Derek replied to the question Demo Content of Social Marketplace in the forum Social MarketPlace 8 years, 10 months ago
Good luck, it’s a complex job!
Derek replied to the question Demo Content of Social Marketplace in the forum Social MarketPlace 8 years, 10 months ago
Hi BB – the theme important file is great, but is there also a settings and widgets import file such as you have for standard One Social?
Derek replied to the question New install, lots of questions. Hoping for some help in the forum Social MarketPlace 8 years, 10 months ago
I really, really needed Multisite BUT listening to the forums on various sites including BB/WC Vendors/WPMU . . Multisite can be problematic.
I will try again tonight without multisite and then look at using a plugin to share the credentials and the cred.
If I cant get it to work then, may ditch the vendors component and stick with the…[Read more]
Derek replied to the question Reducing White Space in the forum OneSocial theme 8 years, 10 months ago
PS – Ideal outcome? Forums that look like the Buddyboss support forums, now that would rock.
Derek started the question Reducing White Space in the forum OneSocial theme 8 years, 10 months ago
It’s been asked a lot here, but is there a definitive answer to reducing all the huge white space and space banners on OneSocial . . nearly every screen “doesnt start until you scroll down a page” as there is a page of white space at the top, a half page of white space to the left. It’s a massive screen real estate consumer?
Is there a single CSS…[Read more]
Derek replied to the question New install, lots of questions. Hoping for some help in the forum Social MarketPlace 8 years, 10 months ago
Oh gods. what a train wreck
WC Vendors is not compatible with MULTISITE and you only find that out hunting through forums . .
Therefore. . . .Social Marketplace because of that is not Multisite compatible. Hence why half the functions arent working . . dont appear.
What a train wreck. I want my 5 hours back
Derek replied to the question New install, lots of questions. Hoping for some help in the forum Social MarketPlace 8 years, 10 months ago
Nope, that didnt work. Still no stores showing up even though the demo roles are set to vendors. This is like working my way out of a maze
Derek replied to the question New install, lots of questions. Hoping for some help in the forum Social MarketPlace 8 years, 10 months ago
OK – scratch the last of those questions, multisite sets up the admin as a participant, so you need to change your role to admin . . then change them all to vendors.
A lot of guesswork . . .
Derek started the question New install, lots of questions. Hoping for some help in the forum Social MarketPlace 8 years, 10 months ago
I’ve installed Marketplace on a Multisite in a subsite. A couple days in. It’s been “complex”
Current questions. I have Membertypes on another subsite, it is bringing over the xprofile fields but not the member types and applying the fields to all member. Train wreck on the data (I dont want all those questions being asked)
No stores are showing…[Read more]
Derek started the question Is there documentation/guides ? in the forum Social MarketPlace 8 years, 10 months ago
Hi Guys
Is there any written documentation that guides the user on install and ongoing use?
I have found the you tube install video’s but video isnt always the best medium?
Derek replied to the question Demo Content of Social Marketplace in the forum Social MarketPlace 8 years, 10 months ago
Also good for BB to know. the XML import creates the Buddypress and other pages. So if you have already installed buddypress/vendors/woo etc AND they have created the pages .. XML install will also create these pages again and duplicate.
Derek replied to the question Demo Content of Social Marketplace in the forum Social MarketPlace 8 years, 10 months ago
Im doing the process right now on a VPS with very long timeouts and very large file uploads.
About 6 minutes for the upload
Worked pretty well except a couple of errors
Failed to import pa_color Black
Failed to import pa_color Blue
Failed to import pa_color Green
Failed to import “Ebook Widget”: Invalid post type omapi
Failed to import “10…[
Derek started the question Cant install on Multisite in the forum Social MarketPlace 8 years, 10 months ago
Hi Guys
the Marketplace plugin doesnt seem to like Multisite. it keeps saying “Please activate OneSocial theme, BuddyPress and WCVendors plugins first” . . even though they are all activated/network activated. Is marketplace OK on multisite?
Derek started the question WP/BPRole based Member Roles? Likely been asked already in the forum BuddyPress Member Types 8 years, 11 months ago
Hi there.
I, like so many people, need to have additional custom fields for specific wordpress/BP roles. I have installed this plugin and it gives me great field development for a membership role BUT can I tie this back to WP/BP roles.
The world wants this, everyone is asking for it. Role based custom fields so that you can use BP in commercial…[Read more]