
  • Thank you so much! Can I add a login for you? What is your email? I’ll send you a login with admin rights….

  • Here you go:

    Please keep in mind that I’ve deactivated all of these previously, before reaching you folks at all:

    Event Tickets
    Event Tickets Plus
    Google Translate Widget
    Gravity Forms
    Amazing Grid Builder for WordPress
    The Events Calendar PRO
    The Events Calendar: Community Events
    The Events Calendar:…[Read more]

  • Thanks again for your help. I turned this option on, disabled all plugins, and it’s still not responding on mobile. Not sure what I’m doing wrong here… but am about to give up and just use a 3rd party plug for the mobile menu.. .which sucks, as your product is waaay better. I’m down for any more suggestions if you have any further thoughts. This…[Read more]

  • Thank you so much for your help! Can you show me where I would go to enable the titlebar menu in the left side menu for mobile devices? Sorry, I’m not finding where this customization can happen. Thank you!

    I had previously disabled all CSS (where I made my changes to the menu look/feel) and it was still giving me issues…

  • Very strange. I disabled all plugins as well, but when I attempt to click on the hamburger menu, I don’t receive a response from this site: rememberingyourememberingus.org. I click and it doesn’t open at all. Is there something else I haven’t set up yet? Thank you so much for your help!
