• Thank you for the reply and suggested code, TJ. Yeah, I knew the functionality was BuddyPress-specific. But all the potential solutions I tried, including yours, didn’t work. So I had posted a question here because I thought perhaps a BuddyBoss “wall” file (like entry-wall.php) was maybe coded in such a way to override some BuddyPress…[Read more]

  • On the Sitewide Activity page, I want to prevent the Friendship Accepted type of updates from ever appearing (i.e., “John and Mary are now friends“). I want to do this without using a plugin.

    Which file should I modify to do this? And what specific line of code do I need to remove/edit in order to accomplish this?

    I’ve done a lot of research…[Read more]

  • @rocco try entering ‘activity’ instead of ‘news-feed’.

    Also, another option for you is to change the order of the Profile menu options to make ‘activity’ come first. I used the code I found in the below like to do successfully do that. So in your case, you could make your News Feed appear as the first Profile menu…[Read more]

  • @tjchester I’ve been using that profile default function (from buddypress.org) successfully without any issues on my site that I’ve been developing for several months. Activity page still works fine for me. FYI, I’m still on BuddyBoss 3.1.2, though.

  • Awesome. That did the trick. Thank you very much. I greatly appreciate it.

  • Thanks for that snippet of code, TJ. It worked!

    Yeah, that makes sense about the limited space on mobile devices. But I really want to utilize that button on one of the sliders on my site (and I want phone users to see the button as well).

    One follow-up question when you get a chance please…

    Could you kindly direct me to the specific…[Read more]

  • Also, I discovered that on an iPhone (running iOS 6.1), the “Learn More” button on the sliders does not get displayed. However, that “Learn More” button does display properly on a “classic” iPad (running the old iOS 4.3.1). Again, just to be clear, I’ve got BuddyBoss 3.1.2 installed.

    Could the reason the “Learn More” button on the sliders d…[Read more]

  • Please let me know the solution for this. I can’t seem to get the default avatar to change either (even though I’ve replaced the default avatar-member.jpg file with my own image file using the exact same file name).

  • E replied to the question Mobile issues with new theme in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 11 years ago

    Well, he just tested it on your demo site and the slider issue still occurred. Perhaps its due to the fact that he’s on an older iOS (5.1.1)? FYI, he’s purposely chosen not to upgrade his iOS, so that’s why he’s still on iOS 5.1.1 (in case you were wondering). I would suspect he’s not alone in iPhone users who’ve chosen not to upgrade their iOS.

  • E replied to the question Mobile issues with new theme in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 11 years ago

    @michael you stated above: “The primary slider issue is now fixed with BuddyBoss 3.1.2, available today.”

    However, I’ve got BuddyBoss 3.1.2 installed on my site (that’s still under development, btw) and a friend who’s helping me test the UI discovered that the slider issue exists in his Safari browser on iPhone (iOS 5.1.1).

    From reading above it…[Read more]

  • @clara-jackson I went through the same learning process just a few months ago. I discovered that those automatic hyperlinks on Member Profile pages are a default behavior of BuddyPress unfortunately.

    The following code worked for me:

    function remove_xprofile_links() {
    remove_filter( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_value',…
    [Read more]

  • E replied to the question the future of photo gallery in the forum Requests and Feedback 11 years ago

    This theme is really outstanding and very well done, not to mention the tech support provided on this forum is quite responsive.

    My only real gripe is there not being a way for site members to organize photos on their profiles. Having an album of some sort is key feature I really need.

    I tried using the RTmedia plugin, but that doesn’t seem…[Read more]

  • E replied to the question Social Commenting on Activity Wall in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 11 years ago

    Awesome… it worked! Thanks for suggesting that I go ahead and try it, TJ!

    FYI, after I had activated the plugin, I thought it wasn’t working because I initially didn’t see the typical line of social share buttons appearing under wall posts (and I was about to deactivate and delete the plugin). But then upon further inspection, I discovered a…[Read more]

  • E replied to the question Social Commenting on Activity Wall in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 11 years ago

    I too am seeking a social sharing plugin. However, I just took a look at the Support page for BuddyPress Social and saw where someone stated the following:

    Would love to utilize this awesome plugin, it doesn’t work with Buddypress Wall though so it renders it useless for me and I’m sure a lot of other people.

    Any ideas how to fix the…[Read more]

  • OK, yeah good point about the old browser version.

    Correction: I meant to say in my last post that the error did not occur in IE10 (on Win7Pro machine).

    Thanks again for all your help!

  • TJ, that worked! Thanks a bunch! That made my day!!!

    One minor problem, though…

    In IE9 (Windows 7 Pro), when I click to view a user’s profile (either the logged in user or another user), I get a small pop-up window (entitled ‘Message from webpage’) that states: “An error occurred!“. I click the OK button and everything after that seems fine.…[Read more]

  • TJ thanks for the quick response. Admittedly, I’m a newbie with WP and BP and don’t really know php. I’ve been teaching myself as I go along. So thanks in advance for your patience with me!

    Just to clarify, do the snippets of code you provided pertain to my question #2?

    If so, I tried inserting the following code into the above-referenced home…[Read more]

  • @mairaj that worked, so thanks for that detailed “how to”. However, my additional content is also showing on the Profile page when you click any of the following selections from within the Profile page: Wall, Friends, Forums.

    1. How can I restrict the display of my additional content to ONLY appear when the ‘Profile’ menu item is…[Read more]

  • I’m wanting to edit the “View Profile” page so that I can insert some additional things at the bottom (not in the footer) immediately following the user fields that are displayed. For instance, I’m wanting to put a shortcode directly in the php file for the View Profile page.

    In another theme I had previously used, I was able to accomplish this…[Read more]