Sherri replied to the question bbpress WYSIWYG forum editor creates “” characters in the forum Boss. theme 8 years, 11 months ago
Any additional information? Recently a post was made without an editor plug in and it created some new random characters. Here is a sample “so I assume RUT’s movement will have to retrace soon. Please don’t be confuse no one can predict the market but ”
Please help.
Thank you, Sherri
Sherri replied to the question bbpress WYSIWYG forum editor creates “” characters in the forum Boss. theme 8 years, 11 months ago
Hi Pallavi,
Thank you for response. I investigated this answer and my page encoding is already UTF-8. Any other thoughts? Problem still exists.
Sherri started the question bbpress WYSIWYG forum editor creates “” characters in the forum Boss. theme 8 years, 11 months ago
I am using a Boss theme with Buddypress and bbpress forums. I am trying to find a compatible bbpress WYSIWYG forum post editor for my users. I have tested the following plug ins: bbPress Enable TinyMCE Visual Tab, BuddyPress Forum Editor and Forum Beginner Posts 1.0.0 which all posts with extra spaces create unwanted “” characters. In addi…[Read more]
Sherri posted an update 9 years, 4 months ago
I have the Boss theme and in the pages there is a comment box. I am trying to remove it but in the “Screen Options” tab it is not checked but is still there. Any solutions to remove it? Thank you!