Thierry's profile was updated 6 years, 2 months ago
Thierry replied to the question Disable some features in the forum Social Learner 9 years ago
Sorry it seems I was too quick with my message.
The solution ahead only remove the tabs “Home / Member / Send invite” in the class page which was once in a group.With only the first solution if you deactivate the “User group”, the error come back when you register in the course or if you mark completed a lesson.
In order to resolve the err…[Read more]
Thierry replied to the question Disable some features in the forum Social Learner 9 years ago
I had a similar error when disabled the User Group options but with the plugin Boss Learndash: “Fatal error: Call to undefined function groups_get_group() in wp-contentpluginsboss-learndashtemplateslearndashsingle-sfwd-course.php on line 128”
It seems that when you remove a course from a group or delete a group, the database is not upd…[Read more]