naton started the question "Empty" Friend and Group requests in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 11 years, 2 months ago
I’m having trouble with user and group requests. Me and my fellow users get email after friend and user invites but when following the links, we come to a page saying “you have no pending invites” or similar. Is this related to BuddyBoss or where do I begin looking?
Thanks in advance! Love the theme otherwise 🙂
naton replied to the question Cache issues after posting photos? in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 11 years, 2 months ago
My bad: caching was (of course) off for all logged in users. So I guess it’s the ajax call that gets cached somehow..?
naton replied to the question Cache issues after posting photos? in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 11 years, 2 months ago
Yes, I’m doing what one should not do. I have to, server issues otherwise.. But the activity select menu works when I select “Updates”. It’s just the “Everything” option that get cached. Hm, maybe I can do an exception for that though, in the Page cache Advanced section of W3TC. Thanks for the idea 🙂
naton replied to the question Buddypress Docs not Displaying in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 11 years, 2 months ago
Don’t know if it’s to your help but the issue seems to revolve around multiple id’s conflicting with each other (#item-body, #buddypress e.g.)
naton started the question Cache issues after posting photos? in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 11 years, 2 months ago
Hi, is there a way to let W3TC know that a photo has been uploaded (or shall I talk to them instead perhaps?)? I get unpurged/cached pages without newly uploaded photos on, which confuses me. Is there anything I can do to fix this in my child theme..?
naton posted an update 11 years, 6 months ago
@michael Hi. This is the day, isn’t it? 🙂 Any specific time of the day? (I’m in a different time zone..)