
  • Great news, thank you!

  • FontAwesome is on version 4.5, but the current version of Buddyboss (4.2.4) seems to still be loading FA v4.3…

  • Justin replied to the question Edit media queries in the forum BuddyBoss theme 9 years, 9 months ago

    Thanks for the insight TJ.

    We’ve since realized that by the changing the media query breakpoints to be based on our layout’s needs as opposed to screen sizes (a moving target) we put ourselves in a position to not be able to quickly or safely update the parent theme anyway, precisely because those parent theme stylesheets may be constantly…[Read more]

  • Justin replied to the question Edit media queries in the forum BuddyBoss theme 9 years, 9 months ago

    Thanks again, I understand how to deregister the stylesheets of the parent theme… I just didn’t think that it would have to come to that.

    Why is the theme not automatically doing this for parent theme CSS files copied into the child theme CSS folder the same way it does for all of the other files in the root child theme folder, all the files in…[Read more]

  • Justin replied to the question Edit media queries in the forum BuddyBoss theme 9 years, 9 months ago

    If I copy over the ENTIRE parent theme CSS into the child theme’s custom.css file, wouldn’t I be causing the ENTIRE site’s CSS to load twice… the first time (from parent theme) being completely overruled by the second time (from child theme)?

    Obviously that’s not an option, especially just to change a handful of lines of code (the media…[Read more]

  • Justin replied to the question Edit media queries in the forum BuddyBoss theme 9 years, 9 months ago

    If I copy over the ENTIRE parent theme CSS into the child theme’s custom.css file, wouldn’t I be causing the ENTIRE site’s CSS to load twice… the first time (from parent theme) being completely overruled by the second time (from child theme)?

    Obviously that’s not an option, especially just to change a handful of lines of code (the media…[Read more]

  • Justin replied to the question Edit media queries in the forum BuddyBoss theme 9 years, 9 months ago

    If I copy over the ENTIRE parent theme CSS into the child theme, wouldn’t I be causing the ENTIRE site’s CSS to load twice… the first time (from parent theme) being completely overruled by the second time (from child theme)?

    Obviously that’s not an option, especially just to change a handful of lines of code (the media queries).

    Am I missing…[Read more]

  • Justin replied to the question Edit media queries in the forum BuddyBoss theme 9 years, 9 months ago

    Hello Varun.

    Thank you for responding, but I’m afraid I don’t understand you.

    Are you saying that it is not possible to override the parent theme’s various CSS files in a child theme, and that the only solution is to edit the parent theme instead of a child theme?

  • Justin replied to the question Edit media queries in the forum BuddyBoss theme 9 years, 9 months ago

    I am currently up against this as well. I need to change the media query break points. Since device sizes and resolutions change and evolve, the break points on my project cannot be arbitrary to the layout being developed.

    I need to change the 720px media query break points to something else (836px most likely in my case).

    If the Buddyboss theme…[Read more]

  • Could someone point me in the right direction as to where I can find and modify the buddyboss_entry_meta() function? I poked around in a few files but didn’t find it quick enough and need to move forward with other tasks on the project. Thanks in advance!