Progola started the question List of all groups and its members in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 10 years, 7 months ago
I have a question that has nothing to do with BuddyBoss, but I currently do not know any other place to ask this, so if you cannot asnwer this I don’t mind at all.
The thing is that at some point I need a list of all groups with all the members that are in those groups. The format doesnt really matter. I have experimented with several…[Read more]
Progola replied to the question Display full name instead of only first name by getting data out of xprofile in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 10 years, 8 months ago
Hello TJ,
Thank you for the reply. The plugin really works like a charm and I do now have the real names instead of usernames. Thank you very much once again!
Progola started the question Display full name instead of only first name by getting data out of xprofile in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 10 years, 8 months ago
I have another small thing here. On the user profile page, and on the userlist the name displayed is the users frist name. Now I want it to display the users full name instead of just the first name. I also only want this on the profile page where the name is wrapped with <h1 class=”entry-title”></h1>, and on the users lists where its…[Read more]
Progola replied to the question Disable profile editing in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 10 years, 8 months ago
It works like a charm! Thank you very much for the instructions! 😀
Progola started the question Disable profile editing in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 10 years, 8 months ago
I am currently looking for a way to disable the editing of buddypress profile for members. After doing some research I came to this page: http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/77063/making-a-buddypress-profile-field-readonly
That is exactly what I need. However, that answer is based on the default buddypress theme. Where can I find…[Read more]
Progola started the question Problem with translations? in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 10 years, 10 months ago
I am having a small problem and I hope you guys can help me further with this. I couldn’t find anything in the forum by searching so I hope theres not another topic already about this. It appears that some things are translated and somethings not. The language of my WP install is dutch and I also use WPML. To give an example, in mobile view the…[Read more]
Progola replied to the question Featured images missing in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 10 years, 10 months ago
That explains a lot haha XD! I think I’ll look for a plugin or mess with functions.php or something because like I said before, I’d rather not mess with content.php. If there’s an important update or so in that file I would never notice it because my version is custom. I will let you know if I have found a solution so everyone in the future…[Read more]
Progola replied to the question Featured images missing in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 10 years, 10 months ago
Thank you for your reply again TJ! I have edited the php file again and it does appear on the page now indeed, but it is rather small:
I would rather have something like the demo, like this: https://www.buddyboss.com/demo/an-argument-for-simplicity/
How do you recommend me to implement this? Directly in the main theme or in the child theme?…[Read more]
Progola replied to the question Featured images missing in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 10 years, 10 months ago
Hello TJ and thanks for your reply. I have edited content.php like this:
but instead of appearing as featured image on the page it gives me another thumbnail in the index like here:
Am I doing something wrong here?
Progola started the question Idea for mobile view in the forum Requests and Feedback 10 years, 10 months ago
I have an idea for the mobile view. Why not add an option to have a splashscreen on mobile view to make it feel more like an app. You an also add a checkbox or something with like “Don’t show this startup screen again”. Maye you could also do something with sessions, like don’t display the splash screen during an active session, but show it again…[Read more]
Progola replied to the question Featured images missing in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 10 years, 10 months ago
Thank you for your reply TJ. Unfortunately it happens on both normal theme or child theme. As for child theme modifications, I only changed the CSS. I will send you the url and login credentials by PM. Thank you very much!