Ryan started the question flashing orange in the forum Boss. theme 9 years, 3 months ago
I can’t figure out where it is coming from, but I have orange in the background somewhere. So, when it is loading some pages, it will flash the orange background and then cover up with the white for the body. Can anyone help me figure it out? It is real annoying
Ryan started the question Double Follow Plugin in the forum Boss. theme 9 years, 3 months ago
Anybody else having the follow plugin show double of who you are following when you try to see the members you are following. If I am following “Ryan”, it will show Ryan twice under people I am following.
Ryan replied to the question Simple Events Pro not displaying correctly in the forum Boss. theme 9 years, 4 months ago
I did it and I am still having the same problem. The problem isn’t inputting the event, it is outputting it.
Ryan started the question Email options settings not working in the forum Boss. theme 9 years, 4 months ago
I can’t change my options for the email settings if I am on a desktop. It works when I am on a mobile device, but won’t do anything when I click on the radio button to change it. I tried on multiple browsers with different accounts.
Ryan replied to the question No cover photo smaller dimensions in the forum Boss. theme 9 years, 4 months ago
Never mind, I accidentally figured it out. If you choose small cover photo and then save it and then choose no cover photo, it will make it small with no cover photo.
Ryan started the question No cover photo smaller dimensions in the forum Boss. theme 9 years, 4 months ago
I do not want a cover photo, but don’t like how large the cover is. It would be nice to make is smaller like you can when you choose small cover photo. Is there anyway to do this?
Ryan started the question Simple Events Pro not displaying correctly in the forum Boss. theme 9 years, 4 months ago
I am using the Simple Events Pro plugin and it is not displaying the events correctly. It displays it correctly on the 2015 theme, but not with the Boss theme. Here you can see the issue:
http://chirotogether.com/events/ and http://chirotogether.com/event/testing-the-events/
It is as though it is displaying outside of the content area.