
  • sorry about that – apparently I had wp-admin bar disabled in super admin user account so thats why I couldn’t see it – so now – there are no problems on desktop in iframe or desktop version

    – the problem that remainds is that in the iframne, on touch devices like ipad/iphone, when I click on the right or left popout menu, it shows and then…[Read more]

  • Okay thanks – I will look into that!

    The other issue is that the left wp-admin menu doesn’t open up on the desktop when shrinking the browser down to view the mobile version (whether in an iframe or not – see the non-iframe version here – http://hsbn.us/ ). I think it has something to do with the CSS for mobile devices (adminbar-mobile.css). When…[Read more]

  • I am using buddypress with this boss theme on one main URL with nothing but buddypress plugged in. I am then putting pages from that URL in an iframe of another URL (see link below). This is creating a mobile version within the iframe – which is exactly what I want – however, the left ‘user profile menu’ links don’t appear when clicking the menu…[Read more]