Jim started the question BuddyBoss’ User Groups plugin in the forum Social Learner 8 years, 12 months ago
Can you tell me if BuddyBoss’ User Groups plugin will do the same thing as paid version of Groups for WooCommerce?
Jim replied to the question Social Theme and WC Vendor in the forum Social Learner 9 years ago
So Social Learner or Social MarketPlace? Which theme suits me best?
Please give me your thoughts as to which theme would be best to use for my website. I will gladly switch themes to a different theme (if that’s your suggestion) since the site is not live yet. Here is what I attempting to create as an online community.
Signup /…[Read more]
Jim started the question Social Theme and WC Vendor in the forum Social Learner 9 years ago
You’re already familiar with my site (I’m using theme BuddyBoss with child Social Theme) and I’ve been wanting to add a “vendor” option to it. I first bought and installed WooCommerce’s Vendor. But it looks like the dashboard is required for WooCommerce’s Vendor plugin to work correctly and that option doesn’t seem to be available with the…[Read more] -
Jim replied to the question The WordPress dash board is not showing for non-admin users. in the forum Social Learner 9 years ago
Looks like a winner (so yes, I bought a copy). 🙂
In the tutorial the “Create New Post Page” & “Bookmarks Page” was already created. Can you give an example of what is the best style to use before I make this option available?Jim
Jim replied to the question Functions error messages in the forum Social Learner 9 years ago
Sorry for the delay in responding. I turned off the learndash-bbpress plugin and everything with Groups appears to work. How long must the plugin be disabled? Or was this a check to see if the issue was related to learndash-bbpress plugin?
Jim replied to the question The WordPress dash board is not showing for non-admin users. in the forum Social Learner 9 years ago
That would be awesome!
Can you double check to be sure the two plugins I mentioned ((Frontend Course Creation & WooCommerce Vendor) do in fact need to the dashboard to operate? I’d hate for you to code the feature and that wasn’t the issue or the fix.
Also…I see you’re now selling a BuddyPress User Blog plugin. Isn’t that like the Wall…[Read more]
Jim started the question The WordPress dash board is not showing for non-admin users. in the forum Social Learner 9 years ago
I have WP 4.4.2. installed, the latest Buddy Boss installed, and the latest Social Learner is installed too. Additionally, I have activated “My Profile” menu and Dashboard Links (see attached).
I have plugins (Frontend Course Creation & WooCommerce Vendor) that are supposed to allow non-admin user’s limited access to the Dash Board.
I rea…[Read more]
Jim replied to the question Groups Tutorial? in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 1 month ago
Thanks…I was aware of these videos, but in the tutorial done by Michael Eisenhower for “bbPress install + setup” (section 5.1 of your tutorials) he indicated he did a video prior to the video (5.1) that outlined the best method to use Groups with BuddyBoss & BuddyPress. I’ve been watching your tutorials so I can get the best use of your…[Read more]
Jim started the question Functions error messages in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 1 month ago
I have the latest LearnDash installed (with WordPress 4.4.1, learndash-bbpress integration v1.01, LearnDash 2.1.7, Social Theme 1.0.6).
I created a public Group, clicked “Forum” in my Profile and my test profile (who is set up as subscriber) both received the two error messages. I looked in the PHP file and both error messages appear to…[Read more]
Jim started the question Groups Tutorial? in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 1 month ago
Is there a video tutorial for using Groups with BuddyBoss? I checked the tutorial section under Helpful Information and do not see one.
Jim replied to the question Problem with custom login in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 1 month ago
Funny how easy some of the fixes are. That worked…:)
Thank you!
Jim replied to the question Profile Confusion in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 1 month ago
Hi There! 🙂
That did the trick.
Thank you,
Jim replied to the question Profile Confusion in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 1 month ago
Follow up…
Could the inside the Settings/Profile. See additional attached files.
I am using s2Member…
Jim started the question Profile Confusion in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 1 month ago
Please look at the attached zip file. You’ll see two screen captures where the Profiles are confused. The Base name is showing up more than once in the profile and the logged in user’s base name and shipping address is showing up in other profiles the logged in user is looking at.
Jim replied to the question Problem with custom login in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 1 month ago
Hi Pallavi
I have the same issue…and I’m using s2mmember for the login. Its the same URL that you helped me with before. I have the latest themes added too. Can you take a peak at my site and let me know what you find?
Jim replied to the question Shopping cart and Soical Learner Theme: 3 questions in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 1 month ago
Ok…You can close this ticket. I worked around the issues.
Jim started the question Shopping cart and Soical Learner Theme: 3 questions in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 1 month ago
I’ve combined 3 questions that all deal with some of the processes of the shopping cart while inside the Social Theme…with an attached zip file containing 3 screen captures to help explain the issues.
I have the following setup:
WordPress 4.x (Template Boss: Social Learner)
s2Memeber Pro…[
Jim replied to the question Possible Bug: Headings Colors v. Text color in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 1 month ago
Fantastic! Looks great now. 🙂
Jim replied to the question Change padding on content to header space in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 1 month ago
Additional Note:
The slider shortcode is custom to my site; if you add this to your site, your shortcode might actually be slightly different.
Jim replied to the question Change padding on content to header space in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 1 month ago
Just to follow up with the great suggestion Pallavi provided. She indicated to make a copy of my FrontPage.php from the main theme’s file and add the following line of code between lines 19-21:
<?php echo do_shortcode( ‘[layerslider id=”2″]’ ); ?>
This worked perfectly! The slider now looks very professional.
(Once I get a solution to this…[Read more]
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