Jim replied to the question Change padding on content to header space in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 1 month ago
Thank you very much. I have submitted.
Jim replied to the question Change padding on content to header space in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 1 month ago
Can I send to you my URL through your contact form? The web site is in “stat collecting mode” where we are attempting to monitor the site for keywords and don’t want the Internet BOTs to raise the numbers by posting here.
Jim started the question Change padding on content to header space in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 1 month ago
In this thread:
Varun Dubey describes a method to change the padding of the top of the page (content area). Here is the code he provides:
#activate-page, .sensei-content, body.page:not(.buddypress) .site-content article:not(.comment),…[Read more]
Jim replied to the question Possible Bug: Headings Colors v. Text color in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 1 month ago
If the Title menu is tied to the color of the body of the “content” (or visa-versus), then I would think trying to change the body of pages/posts so that is not tied to the menu at this point would be as difficult as making the Title menu a separate color.
I need the (body) content of the pages or posts not to be the same color as the…[Read more]
Jim replied to the question Do I need Social Learner if I already have the Boss Theme? in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 2 months ago
Yes, it does. Thanks to both of you.
Jim replied to the question Possible Bug: Headings Colors v. Text color in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 2 months ago
Sure…its attached.
Jim started the question Possible Bug: Headings Colors v. Text color in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 2 months ago
I’m using Social Learner 1.0.6 for LearnDash. When I change my colors for “Heading Colors”, it also affects my main text in the posts/pages. I thought it should only change my h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 elements. I tried changing section “Text Color” settings, but it has no affect on the color in the pages/posts.
Is this a bug or a setting issue…[Read more]
Jim replied to the question Do I need Social Learner if I already have the Boss Theme? in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 2 months ago
Thanks! That clears things up. Now I just need to decide which Learning plugin to use. 🙂
Jim started the question Do I need Social Learner if I already have the Boss Theme? in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 2 months ago
I bought the Boss theme (and additionally the Wall & Media Upload plugins)…and so far so good things are working as expected. 🙂
The question is this:
I now want to add “LearnDash” to my website. Do I just go purchase LearnDash from LearnDash for $99 ($129 if I want the ProPanel)? Or do I need to purchase the “Social Learner” from here? I…[Read more] -
Jim replied to the question Dreaded 404s from right user menu adn Register… in the forum Boss. theme 9 years, 2 months ago
I changed that, but it turns out my .htaccess was missing. Once I added (and kept the permalinks checked on “PostName”)…all became functional.
Thank you,
Jim started the question Dreaded 404s from right user menu adn Register… in the forum Boss. theme 9 years, 2 months ago
Running nothing but current versions of everything (this was a new install). I’m not sure where to post this…so feel free to move me. 🙂
I have WP v4.4, BuddyBoss Boss v2.0.4 (both main & child installed but I’m working directly from the child theme), BuddyPress v2.4.2, and s2Member Pro v151210 (Note: The problem appeared before…[Read more]