Dan started the question Customizer Empty Value Warning in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 10 years, 10 months ago
Running BuddyBoss 3.1.7 I get the following warning whenever I access the theme’s customization menu.
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/XXX/public_html/wp-content/themes/buddyboss/buddyboss-inc/buddyboss-customizer/buddyboss-customizer-loader.php on line 64
I can still make changes nonetheless.
Dan replied to the question Wall photos won't upload in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 11 years ago
Had my host enable PHP Exif support and then rebuild Apache.
That did the trick!
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
Dan replied to the question Wall photos won't upload in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 11 years ago
To follow-up, I’ve opened a ticket with my hosting service. They’re first-rate so I should be able to report back in a few hours.
Dan replied to the question Wall photos won't upload in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 11 years ago
OK, I find that my PHP support is turned off. How do I enable it?
PHP Exif Support: No
Dan started the question Wall photos won't upload in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 11 years ago
Good evening,
Both before and after the 3.1.3 upgrade I’ve been unable to upload wall photos.
Even with small photos the progress bar shows the file as being 100% uploaded, but that’s as far as it goes. Nothing after that. If I try to post some text to the wall, it says “Picture upload in progress….”
Where should I start with the trouble…[Read more]
Dan replied to the question W3 Cache Minify Error Message Floating Toolbar in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 11 years ago
OK, I’ve deleted the BuddyBoss theme directory and uploaded a fresh copy of 3.1.2, flushed all the caches, but I’m still getting minify error messages. See below.
Could this be a settings issue?
Recently an error occurred while creating the CSS / JS minify cache: File…
Dan replied to the question W3 Cache Minify Error Message Floating Toolbar in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 11 years ago
Follow-up question:
When upgrading, should I remove just the BuddyBoss theme folder, or the child theme folder too?
Dan replied to the question W3 Cache Minify Error Message Floating Toolbar in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 11 years ago
Something’s amiss, now I’ve gotten the following minify error:
Recently an error occurred while creating the CSS / JS minify cache: File “/home/trendawa/public_html/wp-content/themes/buddyboss/buddyboss-inc/buddyboss-pics/assets/buddyboss-pics.css” doesn’t exist.
Dan started the question W3 Cache Minify Error Message Floating Toolbar in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 11 years ago
I’m running the latest BuddyPress and W3 cache. I’ve had no problems until today when I got the following error:
Recently an error occurred while creating the CSS / JS minify cache: File “/XXX/public_html/wp-content/themes/buddyboss/css/adminbar-floating.css” doesn’t exist.
Is this settings issue or a minor bug?
I didn’t see how to attach a…[Read more]
Dan replied to the question 404 Errors in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 11 years ago
Are you getting the error yourself or is the server getting this error behind the scenes?
I’m not sure.
Based on the fact that my IP was associated with the error, I thought the errors were linked to a specific action on my part, but as of yet I can’t re-create the error on-demand. It just seems to appear whenever.
On a hopeful note, I…[Read more]
Dan started the question 404 Errors in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 11 years ago
I don’t know if this is an issue with the BuddyBoss theme, bbPress, Wordpress, or my browser, but I thought I’d start here.
My security software logs are recording about 10 404 errors an hour from my office IP address. It appears to be related to editing or perhaps viewing posts linked to my bbPress forums.
I’ll appended an example below.
Any…[Read more]
Dan replied to the question Debug Errors in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 11 years, 1 month ago
Quick Follow-up:
Disregard the issues with the Encyclopedia Pro plugin. That turned out to be a settings issue within the plugin itself.
Dan started the question Debug Errors in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 11 years, 1 month ago
Good evening,
While attempting to troubleshoot an apparent plugin conflict I activated the debug line in my config.php and I get the following errors when I go to activate a plugin:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/xxx/public_html/wp-content/themes/buddyboss/buddyboss-inc/init.php:112)…
Dan started the question SSL Warning on Checkout in the forum Requests and Feedback 11 years, 4 months ago
I just purchased BuddyBoss this morning. But on checkout, my Firefox browser generated a warning that your checkout page was using an unsigned SSL certificate with the all associated doom and gloom warnings about possible ID theft.
I used the secure PayPal checkout anyway, but I just wanted to let you know lest you lose potential sales…[Read more]