Tony started the question Restricting email domains in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 5 months ago
My site uses the restrict site registration by email domain plugin to only allow automatic registration to users from specific email domains. The problem I have is that if someone registers through the “my-courses” page it bypasses the normal Buddypress registration page and also the email domain restriction.
Is a redirect to the normal…[Read more]
Tony replied to the question Group Admin missing in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 5 months ago
That’s a relief!
With regard to student and teacher roles is there some way of not showing these?
Thanks! -
Tony started the question Group Admin missing in the forum Social Learner 9 years, 5 months ago
Not directly related to the social learner theme but to the Buddypress for Sensei plugin.
I’ve got a members site where not all groups have or need courses and not all members are either students or teachers.
If I create a group without a course, no group administrator is created and it’s not possible to add one for a private or hidden group…[Read more]
Tony replied to the question How do I resize the initial header height? in the forum Boss. theme 9 years, 7 months ago
OK, managed to resolve the logo issue with some extensive cache clearing (though had already done that several times).
The issue I’m now having is with the Group Email Subscription in showing default as expanded within a Group profile (see attached) – this is its native state. -
Tony replied to the question How do I resize the initial header height? in the forum Boss. theme 9 years, 7 months ago
This is the screenshot of the problem…have tried the steps above and it’s not helped.
Tony replied to the question How do I resize the initial header height? in the forum Boss. theme 9 years, 7 months ago
Similar problem for me in that the header is stuck at 99px height and yet my logo is 80px height, so the Buddybar is pushing up overlapping with the header where the logo is.