
  • Brandon replied to the question Stop Slider Animation in the forum Boss. theme 9 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks TJ!

  • Hey 🙂

    Hoping someone can help me out. I’d like have a Groups link on the BuddyPanel, where when you hover over it, it gives a dropdown of all the groups that user has access too. Seems like a lot to ask, but would be so useful. Would eliminate a whole extra click which is important for UX. I’d also like to do this with Sensei Lessons, and Cou…[Read more]

  • Hey 🙂

    Hoping someone can help me out. I’d like have a Groups link on the BuddyPanel, where when you hover over it, it gives a dropdown of all the groups that user has access too. Seems like a lot to ask, but would be so useful. Would eliminate a whole extra click which is important for UX. I’d also like to do this with Sensei Lessons, and Cou…[Read more]

  • Hey 🙂

    Hoping someone can help me out. I’d like have a Groups link on the BuddyPanel, where when you hover over it, it gives a dropdown of all the groups that user has access too. Seems like a lot to ask, but would be so useful. Would eliminate a whole extra click which is important for UX. I’d also like to do this with Sensei Lessons, and…[Read more]

  • Hey 🙂

    Hoping someone can help me out. I’d like have a Groups link on the BuddyPanel, where when you hover over it, it gives a dropdown of all the groups that user has access too. Seems like a lot to ask, but would be so useful. Would eliminate a whole extra click which is important for UX. I’d also like to do this with Sensei Lessons, and…[Read more]

  • Hello! Is it possible to add the dashboard link for another role so they have access. I have a teachers role that can get to wp-admin but it would be nice if they could have that link in their menu. Thanks!

  • Brandon replied to the question Stop Slider Animation in the forum Boss. theme 9 years, 10 months ago

    I would actually like to know how to make a full width image for special pages. Is there a way to mimic the homepage slider where it is full width but there is still a sidebar below? Thanks!

  • Brandon replied to the question Stop Slider Animation in the forum Boss. theme 9 years, 10 months ago

    Not sure how I would make just the image full width like the slider does and also make it fully responsive, so I just copied the slider php file into my child theme and set duration to ‘0’ and arrows to ‘0’. If you guys update the slider I will need to redo it, but it works for now until I find another solution. Thanks!

  • Hello!

    Any way to make the full width slider static on the front page, and remove the controls? I love the full width functionality though and title over the image. Should I use the full width template or is that different? Thanks!

  • Brandon replied to the question BuddyPanel Hover Toggle in the forum Boss. theme 9 years, 10 months ago

    Hey TJ, thank you for considering this. I just figured out that when it is closed if you hover over each icon the name extends out which is perfect, so I will not need this. You rock though, thank you!!

  • Hey!

    I would like to make the BuddyPanel stay closed but expand when the cursor is hovering over it. Have you already created code for this? Thank you!

    This theme is incredible, you’ve saved us so much time with your hard work.

    Thank you!