bp_group_type_permissions_meta_box( WP_Post $post )

Generate Group Type Permissions Meta box.






File: bp-groups/bp-groups-admin.php

function bp_group_type_permissions_meta_box( $post ) {

	$meta = get_post_custom( $post->ID );
	$enable_filter = isset( $meta[ '_bp_group_type_enable_filter' ] ) ? $meta[ '_bp_group_type_enable_filter' ][ 0 ] : 0; //disabled by default

	<table class="widefat bp-postbox-table">
				<th scope="col" colspan="2">
					<?php _e( 'Groups Directory', 'buddyboss' ); ?>
				<td colspan="2">
					<input type='checkbox' name='bp-group-type[enable_filter]' value='1' <?php checked( $enable_filter, 1 ); ?> />
					<?php _e( 'Display this group type in "Types" filter in Groups Directory', 'buddyboss' ); ?>
				<td colspan="2">
					$enable_remove = isset( $meta[ '_bp_group_type_enable_remove' ] ) ? $meta[ '_bp_group_type_enable_remove' ][ 0 ] : 0; //enabled by default
					<input type='checkbox' name='bp-group-type[enable_remove]' value='1' <?php checked( $enable_remove, 1 ); ?> />
					<?php _e( 'Hide all groups of this type from Groups Directory', 'buddyboss' ); ?>

	$meta = get_post_custom( $post->ID );

	$get_restrict_invites_same_group_types = isset( $meta[ '_bp_group_type_restrict_invites_user_same_group_type' ] ) ? intval( $meta[ '_bp_group_type_restrict_invites_user_same_group_type' ][ 0 ] ) : 0; //disabled by default

	<table class="widefat bp-postbox-table">
				<th scope="col" colspan="2">
					<?php _e( 'Group Type Invites', 'buddyboss' ); ?>
				<td colspan="2">
					<input type='checkbox' name='bp-group-type-restrict-invites-user-same-group-type' value='<?php echo esc_attr( 1 ); ?>' <?php checked( $get_restrict_invites_same_group_types, 1 ); ?> />
					<?php _e( 'If a member is already in a group of this type, they cannot be sent an invite to join another group of this type.', 'buddyboss' ); ?>

	<?php	// Register following sections only if "profile types" are enabled.
	if ( true === bp_member_type_enable_disable() ) {

	$get_all_registered_member_types = bp_get_active_member_types();
	if ( isset( $get_all_registered_member_types ) && !empty( $get_all_registered_member_types ) ) {


		<table class="widefat bp-postbox-table">
					<th scope="col" colspan="2">
						<?php _e( 'Profile Type Invites', 'buddyboss' ); ?>
					<td colspan="2">
						<?php _e( 'Only members of the selected profile types may be sent requests to join this group. (Leave blank for unrestricted invites)', 'buddyboss' ); ?>


			$get_all_registered_member_types = bp_get_active_member_types();

			$get_selected_member_types = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_bp_group_type_enabled_member_type_group_invites', true ) ?: [];

			foreach ( $get_all_registered_member_types as $member_type ) {

			$member_type_key = bp_get_member_type_key( $member_type );

					<td colspan="2">
						<input type='checkbox' name='bp-member-type-group-invites[]' value='<?php echo esc_attr( $member_type_key ); ?>' <?php checked( in_array( $member_type_key, $get_selected_member_types ) ); ?> />
						<?php _e( get_the_title( $member_type ), 'buddyboss' ); ?>

			<?php } ?>


		<table class="widefat bp-postbox-table">
					<th scope="col" colspan="2">
						<?php _e( 'Profile Type Joining', 'buddyboss' ); ?>
					<td colspan="2">
						<?php _e( 'Members of the selected profile types can always join groups of this type, even if the group is private.', 'buddyboss' ); ?>


			$get_all_registered_member_types = bp_get_active_member_types();

			$get_selected_member_types = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_bp_group_type_enabled_member_type_join', true ) ?: [];

			foreach ( $get_all_registered_member_types as $member_type ) {

			$member_type_key = bp_get_member_type_key( $member_type );
					<td colspan="2">
						<input type='checkbox' name='bp-member-type[]' value='<?php echo esc_attr( $member_type_key ); ?>' <?php checked( in_array( $member_type_key, $get_selected_member_types ) ); ?> />
						<?php _e( get_the_title( $member_type ), 'buddyboss' ); ?>

			<?php }?>




Version Description
BuddyBoss 1.0.0 Introduced.


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