

import * as React from "react";

 * @class
 * Blocks Screen Hooks.
 * Instance name: blockScreenHooksApi
   Enables modifications to the appearance of blocks on the app pages
 * @example
 * externalCodeSetup.blockScreenHooksApi.METHOD_NAME
export class BlockScreenApi {
	// @deprecated
	headerRightRenderer = null;

	// @deprecated
	setHeaderRightRenderer = renderer => {
		this.headerRightRenderer = renderer;

	 * @deprecated
	 * Changes header style
	 * @private
	headerStyle = {};

	 * @deprecated
	 * Override app header styles, by providing `headerStyle`
	 * @param {RNStyleValue} headerStyle
	setHeaderStyle = headerStyle => {
		this.headerStyle = headerStyle;

	 * Changes header icon style
	 * @private
	iconStyle = {};

	 * It overrides the default header icons style (or Home Screen logo) when you input the different style dimensions.
	 * When you use this method, it replaces the icon image which is set from the WordPress BuddyBoss Dashboard > BuddyBoss App > Branding > Images > Home Screen Logo.
	 * @method
	 * @param {RNStyleValue} iconStyle React Native style
	 * @example <caption>User would like to adjust the height of the app home icon</caption>
	 * externalCodeSetup.blockScreenHooksApi.setIconStyle({height: 100});
	setIconStyle = iconStyle => {
		this.iconStyle = iconStyle;

	// show some JSX before block list
	beforeBlockList = null;

	 * The content shows before the blocks provided that the React component will show on top of the blocks at the top of the app page.
	 * @param {React.ComponentType<any>} beforeBlockList React Native component
	 * @method
	 * @example <caption>User would like to have a status report of the logged-in user in their home page before any blocks that they added such as Courses, Notifications or Activites blocks</caption>
	 * //In custom_code/components/BeforeBlocks.js
	 * import React from 'react';
	 * import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
	 * import { globalStyle } from "@src/styles/global";
	 * import { useSelector } from "react-redux";
	 * import FastImage from 'react-native-fast-image';
	 * const BeforeBlocks = (props) => {
	 *    const globalStyles = useSelector((state) => globalStyle(state.config.styles)) // Get style from redux
	 *    const user = useSelector((state) => state.user.userObject); //Get logged user from redux
	 *    const { colors, global } = globalStyles;
	 *    return (
	 *    <View style={{padding: 20}}>
	 *        <View style={global.widgetInner}>
	 *          <FastImage style={{width: 50, height: 50, marginBottom: 20}} source={{uri: user.avatar_urls.thumb}} />
	 *          <Text> Welcome {user.nicename}! </Text>
	 *          <Text> You have {user.member_rest.unread_messages_count} unread messages </Text>
	 *          <Text> Your last activity was on {user.member_rest.last_activity} </Text>
	 *        </View>
	 *    </View>)
	 * }
	 * export default BeforeBlocks;
	 * //In custom_code/index.js
	 * ...
	 * import BeforeBlocks from "./components/BeforeBlocks";
	 * export const applyCustomCode = externalCodeSetup => {
	 *   externalCodeSetup.blockScreenHooksApi.setBeforeBlockList(() => <BeforeBlocks />);
	 * }
	setBeforeBlockList = beforeBlockList => {
		this.beforeBlockList = beforeBlockList;

	renderHeaderTitle = null;

	 * Overrides how the Blocks Screen Title is rendered by taking the rendering function as an argument.
	 * @param {React.ComponentType<any>} renderer React Native component
	 * @method
	 * @example <caption>User would like to have a sticky header</caption>
	 * //In custom_code/components/HeaderTitle.js
	 * import React from 'react';
	 * import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
	 * import { globalStyle, NAV_HEIGHT, DEVICE_WIDTH, GUTTER } from "@src/styles/global";
	 * import { useSelector } from "react-redux";
	 * import FontManager from '@src/FontManager';
	 * const HeaderTitle = (props) => {
	 *    const globalStyles = useSelector((state) => globalStyle(state.config.styles))
	 *    const { colors, global } = globalStyles;
	 *    const HEADER_HEIGHT = FontManager.applyFontHeightAdjustment(NAV_HEIGHT + 69);
	 *    return (
	 *        <View
	 *            style={[
	 *                global.bottomBorder,
	 *                {
	 *                    position: "absolute",
	 *                    paddingTop: NAV_HEIGHT + 8,
	 *                    backgroundColor: colors.headerBg,
	 *                    height: HEADER_HEIGHT,
	 *                    width: DEVICE_WIDTH,
	 *                    paddingHorizontal: GUTTER
	 *                }
	 *            ]}
	 *	        >
	 *            <Text
	 *                style={{
	 *          ,
	 *                    alignSelf: "stretch",
	 *                }}
	 *                numberOfLines={1}
	 *                ellipsizeMode={"tail"}
	 *            >
	 *                My App Title
	 *            </Text>
	 *        </View>
	 *    )
	 * }
	 * export default HeaderTitle;	
	 * //In custom_code/index.js
	 * ...
	 * import HeaderTitle from "./components/HeaderTitle";
	 * export const applyCustomCode = externalCodeSetup => {
	 *    externalCodeSetup.blockScreenHooksApi.setRenderHeaderTitle(() => <HeaderTitle />)
	 * }

	setRenderHeaderTitle = renderer => {
		this.renderHeaderTitle = renderer;

	renderHeaderRight = null;

	 * Use this to add a component to the right side of the header. The component will be visible even when the user scrolls down.
	 * @method
	 * @param {React.ComponentType<any>} renderer Component to render
	 * @example <caption>Add a link to another page</caption>
	 * //In custom_code/HomeHeaderRight.js
	 * import React from 'react';
	 * import {withNavigation} from "@src/components/hocs/withNavigation";
	 * import IconButton from "@src/components/IconButton";
	 * const HomeHeaderRight = (props) => (
	 *        <IconButton
	 *            pressHandler={() => props.navigation.navigate("NotificationsScreen")}
	 *            icon={{fontIconName: 'bell', weight: 100}}
	 *            tintColor="#aaa"
	 *            style={{
	 *                marginLeft: -20
	 *            }}
	 *        />
	 * )
	 * export default withNavigation(HomeHeaderRight);
	 * //In custom_code/index.js
	 * ...
	 * import HomeHeaderRight from "./components/HomeHeaderRight";
	 * export const applyCustomCode = externalCodeSetup => {
	 *   externalCodeSetup.blockScreenHooksApi.setRenderHeaderRight(<HomeHeaderRight />);
	 * }
	setRenderHeaderRight = renderer => {
		this.renderHeaderRight = renderer;

	alwaysShowHeaderRight = false;

	 * Use this to always show the header right component.
	 * @method
	 * @example
	 * externalCodeSetup.blockScreenHooksApi.enableAlwaysShowHeaderRight();
	enableAlwaysShowHeaderRight = () => {
		this.alwaysShowHeaderRight = true;

	renderHeaderLeft = null;

	 * Use this to add a component to the left side of the header. The component will be visible even when the user scrolls down.
	 * @method
	 * @param {React.ComponentType<any>} renderer Component to render
	 * @example <caption>Add a link to another page</caption>
	 * //In custom_code/HomeHeaderLeft.js
	 * import React from 'react';
	 * import {withNavigation} from "@src/components/hocs/withNavigation";
	 * import IconButton from "@src/components/IconButton";
	 * const HomeHeaderLeft = (props) => (
	 *        <IconButton
	 *            pressHandler={() => props.navigation.navigate("NotificationsScreen")}
	 *            icon={{fontIconName: 'bell', weight: 100}}
	 *            tintColor="#aaa"
	 *            style={{
	 *                marginLeft: -20
	 *            }}
	 *        />
	 * )
	 * export default withNavigation(HomeHeaderLeft);
	 * //In custom_code/index.js
	 * ...
	 * import HomeHeaderLeft from "./components/HomeHeaderLeft";
	 * export const applyCustomCode = externalCodeSetup => {
	 *   externalCodeSetup.blockScreenHooksApi.setRenderHeaderLeft(() => <HomeHeaderLeft />);
	 * }
	setRenderHeaderLeft = renderer => {
		this.renderHeaderLeft = renderer;

	alwaysShowHeaderLeft = false;

	 * Use this to always show the header left component.
	 * @method
	 * @example
	 * externalCodeSetup.blockScreenHooksApi.enableAlwaysShowHeaderLeft();
	enableAlwaysShowHeaderLeft = () => {
		this.alwaysShowHeaderLeft = true;