* @typedef {Object} IntercomButtonProps
* @property {Object} insets
* @property {Object} style
* @property {Boolean} isEnabled Returns `true` if Intercom is enabled
* @typedef {Function} RegisterIntercomUserCallback
* @param {User} user
* @return {void}
* @class
* Configuration Hooks.
* Instance name: configApi
The ConfigApi enables you to configure various setup options within your app.
* @example
* externalCodeSetup.configApi.METHOD_NAME
export class ConfigApi {
* @deprecated
multisiteDrawerEnabled = false;
setMultisiteDrawerEnabled = enabled => {
this.multisiteDrawerEnabled = enabled;
* @deprecated
features = {followingEnabled: true, friendshipEnabled: true};
provideCustomFeatures = features => Object.assign(this.features, features);
* @deprecated
appName = null;
setAppName = name => {
this.appName = name;
guestLoginEnabled = true;
* Toggles the guest login feature.
* This will override the setting found in BuddyBoss site > BuddyBoss App > Settings > General > Registration > Privacy.
* If set to true, it will always show "Continue without logging in" on the login screen.
* @param {Boolean} enabled
* @example
* externalCodeSetup.configApi.setGuestLoginEnabled(true);
setGuestLoginEnabled = enabled => {
this.guestLoginEnabled = enabled;
appSwitchEnabled = false;
* You can enable the option to switch apps when you shake your phone.
* If you set the option to true it will show a "Switch App" option in your screen that you can select to switch between different apps.
* @param {Boolean} enabled
* @example
* externalCodeSetup.configApi.setAppSwitchEnabled(true);
setAppSwitchEnabled = enabled => {
this.appSwitchEnabled = enabled;
trackPlayerEnabled = false;
* If enabled, app will initialize TrackPlayer from "react-native-track-player" package.
* You can get more information on react native track player {@link https://github.com/DoubleSymmetry/react-native-track-player}.
* @example
* externalCodeSetup.configApi.setTrackPlayerEnabled();
setTrackPlayerEnabled = () => {
this.trackPlayerEnabled = true;
codeVerificationEnabled = null;
* You can use this hook to set the default behavior for when a user creates an account, the app navigates to the code verification screen where the user can enter the verification code.
* @example
* externalCodeSetup.configApi.setCodeVerificationEnabled(false);
setCodeVerificationEnabled = enabled => {
this.codeVerificationEnabled = enabled;
IntercomButton = null;
* @ignore
* You can use this to customize the Intercom button.
* If Intercom is enabled, the component will be visible in different screens such as the ForumsList, LearnTopic, and Notifications screens etc.
* @method
* @param {React.ComponentType<IntercomButtonProps>} IntercomButton
* @example
* ...
* import { Image, TouchableOpacity, Platform } from "react-native"
* import Intercom from "react-native-intercom";
* import { correctBottomSafeArea } from "@src/styles/global";
* export const applyCustomCode = (externalCodeSetup: any) => {
* externalCodeSetup.configApi.setIntercomButton(({
* style,
* insets
* }) => (<TouchableOpacity
* style={[
* {
* position: "absolute",
* bottom:
* Platform.OS === "ios"
* ? correctBottomSafeArea(insets.bottom) + 50
* : 30,
* right: 20,
* backgroundColor: "#EB675E",
* width: 60,
* height: 60,
* alignItems: "center",
* justifyContent: "center",
* borderRadius: 30,
* zIndex: 1
* },
* style
* ]}
* onPress={Intercom.displayMessageComposer}
* >
* <Image
* style={{
* width: 24,
* height: 30,
* tintColor: "white"
* }}
* resizeMode="cover"
* source={require("@src/assets/img/intercom.png")}
* />
* </TouchableOpacity>))
* }
setIntercomButton = IntercomButton => {
this.IntercomButton = IntercomButton;
registerIntercomUser = null;
* @ignore
* You can use this to modify how the app register the intercome user.
* @method
* @param {RegisterIntercomUserCallback} registerIntercomUser
* @example
* configApi.setRegisterIntercomUser(user => {
* Intercom.registerIdentifiedUser({
* userId: user.name
* });
* Intercom.updateUser({
* name: user.name,
* email: user.member_rest.user_email
* });
* });
setRegisterIntercomUser = callback => {
this.registerIntercomUser = callback;