

import * as React from "react";
import {
} from "./types";

export const API_NAME = "quizAnswersApi";

 * RadioIconProps
type RadioIconProps = {
	 * Returns `true` if radio is used in a multiple choice question
	multiselect: boolean,
	 * Default styles for the radio
	styles: Record<any, any>,
	 * Returns `true` if the answer selected is wrong
	isWrong: boolean | undefined,
	 * Returns `true` if the answer selected is correct
	isRight: boolean | undefined,
	 * Returns the default resource used in the radio
	multipleChoiceIcon: number,
	 * Answer details
	radio: Record<any, any>

 * RadioDescriptionProps
type RadioDescriptionProps = {
	 * Index of the answer
	index: number,
	 * Default styles for the description
	styles: Record<any, any>,
	 * Font details
	baseFontStyle: Record<any, any>,
	 * Description of the answer
	description: string,

	 * List of tags to be ignored by the html renderer
	ignoredTags: string[],

	navigation: NavigationService

 * RadioOnPressCallbackProps
type RadioOnPressCallbackProps = {
	 * Selects the radio
	setRadioState: Function,
	 * Returns `true` if radio is used in a multiple choice question
	multiselect: boolean,
	 * Answer details
	radios: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Selected answers
	selected: number[],
	 * Index of the pressed radio
	index: number

 * FreeAnswerComponentProps
type FreeAnswerComponentProps = {
	 * Default wrapper for input component
	Wrapper: React.ComponentType,
	 * Calls default function when wrapper is pressed
	wrapperOnPress: Function,
	 * Default styles for the input
	styles: Record<any, any>,
	 * Returns the default value of the input
	defaultValue: string | undefined,
	 * Updates the answer in the input component
	onChangeText: Function,
	t: TTranslationFunction,
	question: QuestionViewModel

 * QuestionClosedComponentProps
type QuestionClosedComponentProps = {
	contentId: string,
	 * Source to render in the webview
	source: Record<any, any>,
	 * Updates the answer in the input component
	inputChange: Function,
	typography: Function,
	 * Default css for webview
	htmlStylesCss: string,
	 * Default css for webview
	htmlAdjustedCss: string,
	 * Default tags styles for rendering the HTML
	tagsStyles: Record<any, any>,
	 * Default font styles for rendering the HTML
	baseFontStyle: Record<any, any>,
	 * Question to render in the HTML component
	questionText: string,
	 * Can be used for `staticContentMaxWidth`
	computedWidth: number,
	 * Default alterChildren value which can be used for the HTML component
	alterChildren: Function,
	 * Implements deep linking in the HTML component
	onLinkPress: Function,
	 * Default list of ignored tags
	ignoredTags: string[],
	 * Default renderer value which can be used for the HTML component
	renderers: Function

 * QuestionSortItemComponentProps
type QuestionSortItemComponentProps = {
	 * Default wrapper for sort component
	Component: React.ComponentType,
	 * Default styles
	styles: Record<any, any>,
	 * Item data
	data: Record<any, any>,
	 * Default icon for sort component
	icon: number,
	 * Returns `true` if component is being dragged
	active: boolean

 * SortItemOnDragStartCallbackProps
type SortItemOnDragStartCallbackProps = {
	 * Calls the `dragStart` function
	dragStart: Function,
	 * Index of the item related to `data` where the event was executed
	index: number,
	 * Answer details
	data: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Order of answers displayed
	order: number[]

 * SortItemOnDraggingCallbackProps
type SortItemOnDraggingCallbackProps = {
	 * Calls the `dragging` function
	dragging: Function,
	 * Answer details
	data: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Order of answers displayed
	order: number[]

 * SortItemOnDragEndCallbackProps
type SortItemOnDragEndCallbackProps = {
	 * Calls the `dragEnd` function
	dragEnd: Function,
	 * Index of the item related to `data` where the event was executed
	index: number,
	 * Answer details
	data: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Order of answers displayed
	order: number[]

 * QuestionEssayComponentProps
type QuestionEssayComponentProps = {
	 * Default styles
	styles: Record<any, any>,

	 * Returns a string if an error was encountered
	error: null | string,
	t: TTranslationFunction,
	 * App global style
	global: Record<any, any>,
	 * App colors
	colors: Record<any, any>,
	 * Calls function to enable upload
	onPress: Function,
	 * Returns `true` if icon should be visible
	showIcon: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if file is currently uploading
	showLoading: boolean,
	 * Default icon
	icon: string | number,
	 * Default title of upload button
	title: string

 * QuestionAssessmentHTMLProps
type QuestionAssessmentHTMLProps = {
	 * Question assessment details
	item: Record<any, any>,
	 * Index of item
	index: number,
	 * Default styles
	styles: Record<any, any>,
	 * App global style
	global: Record<any, any>,
	 * Default tags styles which can be used for rendering the question assessment HTML description
	tagsStyles: Record<any, any>

 * MatrixItemOnDragStartCallbackProps
type MatrixItemOnDragStartCallbackProps = {
	 * Calls the `dragStart` function
	dragStart: Function,
	 * Index of item
	index: number,
	 * Answer details
	item: Record<any, any>

 * MatrixItemOnDraggingCallbackProps
type MatrixItemOnDraggingCallbackProps = {
	 * Calls the `dragging` function
	dragging: Function,
	 * Index of item
	index: number,
	 * Answer details
	item: Record<any, any>

 * MatrixItemOnDragEndCallbackProps
type MatrixItemOnDragEndCallbackProps = {
	 * Calls the `dragEnd` function
	dragEnd: Function,
	 * Index of item
	index: number,
	 * Answer details
	item: Record<any, any>

 * RadioContainerProps
type RadioContainerProps = {
	 * Default styles
	styles: Record<any, any>,
	 * Index of the component
	key: number,
	 * Returns the default component used
	Component: React.FC,
	 * Calls the function used when the component is pressed
	onPress: Function,
	 * Returns `true` if the component is selected
	selected: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if the component is set to be numbered
	numbered: boolean,
	 * Default children components
	children: React.FC

 * @class
 * Quiz Answers Hooks.
 * Instance name: quizAnswersApi
   You can use this hook to customize answer components when answering a quiz such as adding an onPress function to a single choice answer or customizing how the answer text is displayed.
 * @example
 * externalCodeSetup.quizAnswersApi.METHOD_NAME
export class QuizAnswersApi {
	RadioIcon: React.ComponentType<RadioIconProps> | null = null;

	 * You can use this hook to change the radio icon component used in a single, multiple choice, or assessment question.
	 * For example, you can change the "correct" or "wrong" icon, change the component's color etc.
	 * @method
	 * @param {React.ComponentType<RadioIconProps>} RadioIcon
	 * @example
	 * ...
	 * import Icon from "@src/components/Icon";
	 * export const applyCustomCode = (externalCodeSetup) => {
	 *     externalCodeSetup.quizAnswersApi.setRadioIcon(props => {
	 *         const {styles, isWrong, isRight, multiselect, multipleChoiceIcon} = props;
	 *         return multiselect ? (
	 *             <Icon
	 *                 icon={multipleChoiceIcon}
	 *                 tintColor={styles.iconColor}
	 *                 styles={styles.iconStyle}
	 *             />
	 *         ) : (
	 *             <View
	 *                 style={[
	 *           ,
	 *                     {borderColor: styles.borderColor},
	 *                     styles.uncheckedColor && {borderColor: styles.uncheckedColor},
	 *                     styles.selectedStyleSingle,
	 *                     isWrong === true ? {borderColor: styles.wrongColor} : {},
	 *                     isRight === true ? {borderColor: styles.rightColor} : {}
	 *                 ]}
	 *             />
	 *         );
	 *     });
	 * }
	setRadioIcon = (RadioIcon: React.ComponentType<RadioIconProps> | null) => {
		this.RadioIcon = RadioIcon;

	RadioDescription: React.ComponentType<RadioDescriptionProps> | null = null;

	 * You can use this hook to customize the answer in a radio component.
	 * Questions that use radio components as an answer include: "Single choice", "Multiple choice", and "Assessment" type of questions.
	 * @method
	 * @param {React.ComponentType<RadioDescriptionProps>} RadioDescription
	 * @example
	 * ...
	 * import HTML from "react-native-render-html";
	 * import {imgRenderer, sourceRenderer} from "@src/utils/htmlRender";
	 * export const applyCustomCode = (externalCodeSetup) => {
	 *     externalCodeSetup.quizAnswersApi.setRadioDescription(
	 *         ({index, styles, baseFontStyle, description, ignoredTags, navigation}) => (
	 *             <HTML
	 *                 key={index}
	 *                 containerStyle={styles.containerStyle}
	 *                 alterChildren={node => {
	 *                     if (
	 *                === "a" &&
	 *                         (node.parent?.name === "audio" || node.parent?.name === "video")
	 *                     ) {
	 *                         return [];
	 *                     }
	 *                 }}
	 *                 ignoredTags={ignoredTags}
	 *                 baseFontStyle={baseFontStyle}
	 *                 html={description}
	 *                 renderers={{
	 *                     img: imgRenderer({height: 150}),
	 *                     source: (htmlAttribs, children, convertedCSSStyles, passProps) =>
	 *                         sourceRenderer(
	 *                             htmlAttribs,
	 *                             children,
	 *                             convertedCSSStyles,
	 *                             passProps,
	 *                             styles.colors,
	 *                             navigation,
	 *                             styles.sourceRenderer
	 *                         )
	 *                 }}
	 *             />
	 *         )
	 *     );
	 * }
	setRadioDescription = (
		RadioDescription: React.ComponentType<RadioDescriptionProps> | null
	) => {
		this.RadioDescription = RadioDescription;

	RadioContainer: React.ComponentType<RadioContainerProps> | null = null;

	 * You can use this hook to customize the container in a radio component.
	 * Questions that use radio components as an answer include: "Single choice", "Multiple choice", and "Assessment" type of questions.
	 * @method
	 * @param {React.ComponentType<RadioContainerProps>} RadioContainer
	 * @example <caption> Add a border to the component when selected </caption>
	 * externalCodeSetup.quizAnswersApi.setRadioContainer(props => {
	 *   const {Component, key, onPress, styles, selected, children} = props;
	 *         const borderSelectedStyle = {
	 *             borderWidth: 1,
	 *             borderColor: "#007cff"
	 *         };
	 *         return (
	 *             <Component
	 *                 activeOpacity={0.9}
	 *                 key={key}
	 *                 onPress={onPress}
	 *                 style={[styles.container, selected && borderSelectedStyle]}
	 *             >
	 *                 <View
	 *                     style={[
	 *                         styles.container,
	 *                         selected && borderSelectedStyle,
	 *                         {
	 *                             marginLeft: -17,
	 *                             marginRight: -17,
	 *                             marginBottom: 3,
	 *                             marginTop: 3
	 *                         }
	 *                     ]}
	 *                 >
	 *                     {children}
	 *                 </View>
	 *             </Component>
	 *         );
	 *     });
	 * }
	setRadioContainer = (
		RadioContainer: React.ComponentType<RadioContainerProps> | null
	) => {
		this.RadioContainer = RadioContainer;

		| ((props: RadioOnPressCallbackProps) => void)
		| null = null;

	 * You can use this hook to customize the behavior of selecting a radio component when answering a single, multiple choice, or assessment question.
	 * For example, you can do an API request before selecting the radio component.
	 * @method
	 * @param {RadioOnPressCallbackProps} radioOnPressCallback
	 * @example <caption> Call an API before selecting the answer </caption>
	 * externalCodeSetup.quizAnswersApi.setRadioOnPressCallback(
	 *   ({setRadioState, multiselect, radios, selected, index}) => {
	 *       fetch("")
	 *           .then(res => res.json())
	 *           .then(json => {
	 *               if ( === 1) {
	 *                   setRadioState();
	 *               }
	 *           })
	 *           .catch(e => {
	 *               console.log("Error", e);
	 *               setRadioState();
	 *           });
	 *   }
	 * );
	setRadioOnPressCallback = (
		radioOnPressCallback: ((props: RadioOnPressCallbackProps) => void) | null
	) => {
		this.radioOnPressCallback = radioOnPressCallback;

	FreeAnswerComponent: React.ComponentType<
	> | null = null;

	 * You can use this hook to customize the text input component of free choice type of questions.
	 * This hook is also used to customize the text input component of "Essay / Open Answer" type of questions if the answer format is set to `Text entry`.
	 * If the answer format is set to `File upload`, use the `setQuestionEssayComponent` hook.
	 * @method
	 * @param {React.ComponentType<FreeAnswerComponentProps>} FreeAnswerComponent
	 * @example
	 * ...
	 * import {View, Text, TextInput} from "react-native";
	 * export const applyCustomCode = (externalCodeSetup) => {
	 *     externalCodeSetup.quizAnswersApi.setFreeAnswerComponent(props => {
	 *         const {
	 *             Wrapper,
	 *             wrapperOnPress,
	 *             styles,
	 *             t,
	 *             defaultValue,
	 *             onChangeText
	 *         } = props;
	 *         return (
	 *             <Wrapper onPress={wrapperOnPress} style={styles.wrapperStyle}>
	 *                 <View style={styles.containerStyle}>
	 *                     <Text>Add your answer below</Text>
	 *                     <TextInput
	 *                         placeholder={t("quiz:writeHere")}
	 *                         autocomplete="off"
	 *                         spellCheck={false}
	 *                         autoCorrect={false}
	 *                         autoGrow
	 *                         multiline
	 *                         defaultValue={defaultValue}
	 *                         style={styles.inputStyle}
	 *                         placeholderTextColor={styles.placeholderTextColor}
	 *                         onChangeText={onChangeText}
	 *                         underlineColorAndroid="transparent"
	 *                     />
	 *                 </View>
	 *             </Wrapper>
	 *         );
	 *     });
	 * }
	setFreeAnswerComponent = (
		FreeAnswerComponent: React.ComponentType<FreeAnswerComponentProps> | null
	) => {
		this.FreeAnswerComponent = FreeAnswerComponent;

	QuestionEssayComponent: React.ComponentType<
	> | null = null;

	 * You can use this hook to customize the component for answering an "Essay / Open Answer" type of questions with a file upload answer format.
	 * To customize a text entry answer format, use `setFreeAnswerComponent` hook.
	 * @method
	 * @param {React.ComponentType<QuestionEssayComponentProps>} QuestionEssayComponent
	 * @example
	 * ...
	 * import QuizButton from "@src/components/QuizButton";
	 * export const applyCustomCode = (externalCodeSetup) => {
	 *     externalCodeSetup.quizAnswersApi.setQuestionEssayComponent(
	 *         ({
	 *             styles,
	 *             error,
	 *             t,
	 *             global,
	 *             onPress,
	 *             showIcon,
	 *             showLoading,
	 *             icon,
	 *             colors,
	 *             title
	 *         }) => {
	 *             return (
	 *                 <View style={styles.container}>
	 *                     <View style={styles.innerContainer}>
	 *                         {error && <Text style={styles.errorText}>{error}</Text>}
	 *                         <Text>Please use the required font for the document</Text>
	 *                         <Text style={styles.title}>{t("quiz:uploadFile")}</Text>
	 *                         <QuizButton
	 *                             global={global}
	 *                             onPress={onPress}
	 *                             showIcon={showIcon}
	 *                             showLoading={showLoading}
	 *                             icon={icon}
	 *                             tintColor={colors.secondaryButtonColor}
	 *                             title={title}
	 *                         />
	 *                     </View>
	 *                 </View>
	 *             );
	 *         }
	 *     );
	 * }
	setQuestionEssayComponent = (
		QuestionEssayComponent: React.ComponentType<
		> | null
	) => {
		this.QuestionEssayComponent = QuestionEssayComponent;

	QuestionClosedComponent: React.ComponentType<
	> | null = null;

	 * You can use this hook to customize the component for answering "Fill in the blank" type of questions.
	 * By default, the component to input the answer is generated using a webview.
	 * See `quizApi.setQuestionClosedRenderMode` hook on how to change the render mode of the answer component.
	 * @method
	 * @param {React.ComponentType<QuestionClosedComponentProps>} QuestionClosedComponent
	 * @example <caption> Customize the webview component </caption>
	 * ...
	 * import WebViewInput from "@src/components/Questions/WebViewInput";
	 * export const applyCustomCode = (externalCodeSetup) => {
	 *     externalCodeSetup.quizAnswersApi.setQuestionClosedComponent(
	 *         ({
	 *             contentId,
	 *             source,
	 *             inputChange,
	 *             typography,
	 *             htmlStylesCss,
	 *             htmlAdjustedCss
	 *         }) => {
	 *             return (
	 *                 <>
	 *                     <Text>HTML generated in webview</Text>
	 *                     <WebViewInput
	 *                         contentId={contentId}
	 *                         source={source}
	 *                         inputChange={inputChange}
	 *                         typography={typography}
	 *                         htmlStylesCss={htmlStylesCss}
	 *                         htmlAdjustedCss={htmlAdjustedCss}
	 *                     />
	 *                 </>
	 *             );
	 *         }
	 *     );
	 * }
	 * @example <caption> Change the default renderer to htmlparser </caption>
	 * ...
	 * import HTML from "react-native-render-html";
	 * export const applyCustomCode = (externalCodeSetup) => {
	 *     externalCodeSetup.quizAnswersApi.setQuestionClosedComponent(
	 *         ({
	 *             tagsStyles,
	 *             baseFontStyle,
	 *             questionText,
	 *             computedWidth,
	 *             alterChildren,
	 *             onLinkPress,
	 *             ignoredTags,
	 *             renderers
	 *         }) => {
	 *             return (
	 *                 <>
	 *                     <Text>HTML generated using rn render-html</Text>
	 *                     <HTML
	 *                         tagsStyles={tagsStyles}
	 *                         baseFontStyle={baseFontStyle}
	 *                         html={questionText}
	 *                         staticContentMaxWidth={computedWidth}
	 *                         alterChildren={alterChildren}
	 *                         onLinkPress={onLinkPress}
	 *                         ignoredTags={ignoredTags}
	 *                         renderers={renderers}
	 *                     />
	 *                 </>
	 *             );
	 *         }
	 *     );
	 * }
	setQuestionClosedComponent = (
		QuestionClosedComponent: React.ComponentType<
		> | null
	) => {
		this.QuestionClosedComponent = QuestionClosedComponent;

	QuestionSortItemComponent: React.ComponentType<
	> | null = null;

	 * You can use this hook to customize the sort item component which is rendered when answering a "sorting" choice question type.
	 * For example, you can change the component's color, icon, or text display.
	 * @method
	 * @param {React.ComponentType<QuestionSortItemComponentProps>} QuestionSortItemComponent
	 * @example <caption> Change the text color of the item component when dragging </caption>
	 * ...
	 * import Icon from "@src/components/Icon";
	 * export const applyCustomCode = externalCodeSetup => {
	 *     externalCodeSetup.quizAnswersApi.setQuestionSortItemComponent(
	 *         ({Component, styles, data, icon, active}) => {
	 *             let titleStyle = styles.title;
	 *             if (active) {
	 *                 titleStyle = {
	 *                     ...styles.title,
	 *                     color: "red"
	 *                 };
	 *             }
	 *             return (
	 *                 <Component style={styles.containerStyle}>
	 *                     <Text style={titleStyle}>{data.title}</Text>
	 *                     <Icon
	 *                         tintColor={styles.iconColor}
	 *                         styles={styles.image}
	 *                         icon={{fontIconName: icon, weight: 400}}
	 *                     />
	 *                 </Component>
	 *             );
	 *         }
	 *     );
	 * }
	setQuestionSortItemComponent = (
		QuestionSortItemComponent: React.ComponentType<
		> | null
	) => {
		this.QuestionSortItemComponent = QuestionSortItemComponent;

		| ((props: SortItemOnDragStartCallbackProps) => void)
		| null = null;

	 * You can use this hook to modify the `dragStart` event of the sort item component.
	 * @method
	 * @param {SortItemOnDragStartCallbackProps} sortItemOnDragStartCallback
	 * @example
	 * externalCodeSetup.quizAnswersApi.setSortItemOnDragStartCallback(
	 *   ({index, data, dragStart}) => {
	 *       if (index === 0) {
	 *           console.log(`Drag start on ${data[0].title}`);
	 *       }
	 *       dragStart();
	 *   }
	 * );
	setSortItemOnDragStartCallback = (
			| ((props: SortItemOnDragStartCallbackProps) => void)
			| null
	) => {
		this.sortItemOnDragStartCallback = sortItemOnDragStartCallback;

		| ((props: SortItemOnDraggingCallbackProps) => void)
		| null = null;

	 * You can use this hook to modify the `dragging` event of the sort item component.
	 * @method
	 * @param {SortItemOnDraggingCallbackProps} sortItemOnDraggingCallback
	 * @example
	 * externalCodeSetup.quizAnswersApi.setSortItemOnDraggingCallback(
	 *   ({dragging}) => {
	 *       dragging();
	 *   }
	 * );
	setSortItemOnDraggingCallback = (
			| ((props: SortItemOnDraggingCallbackProps) => void)
			| null
	) => {
		this.sortItemOnDraggingCallback = sortItemOnDraggingCallback;

		| ((props: SortItemOnDragEndCallbackProps) => void)
		| null = null;

	 * You can use this hook to modify the `dragEnd` event of the sort item component.
	 * @method
	 * @param {SortItemOnDragEndCallbackProps} sortItemOnDragEndCallback
	 * @example
	 * externalCodeSetup.quizAnswersApi.setSortItemOnDragEndCallback(
	 *   ({index, data, dragEnd}) => {
	 *       if (index === 0) {
	 *           console.log(`Drag end on ${data[0].title}`);
	 *       }
	 *       dragEnd();
	 *   }
	 * );
	setSortItemOnDragEndCallback = (
			| ((props: SortItemOnDragEndCallbackProps) => void)
			| null
	) => {
		this.sortItemOnDragEndCallback = sortItemOnDragEndCallback;

	QuestionAssessmentHTML: React.ComponentType<
	> | null = null;

	 * You can use this hook to customize the "Less true" or "More true" components in an "Assessment" type of question.
	 * @method
	 * @param {QuestionAssessmentHTMLProps} QuestionAssessmentHTML
	 * @example
	 * ...
	 * import HTML from "react-native-render-html";
	 * export const applyCustomCode = (externalCodeSetup) => {
	 *     externalCodeSetup.quizAnswersApi.setQuestionAssessmentHTML(
	 *         ({item, index, styles, global, tagsStyles}) => (
	 *             <View key={"html" + item.value + index.toString()}>
	 *                 <HTML
	 *                     html={item.value}
	 *                     containerStyle={styles.containerStyle}
	 *                     baseFontStyle={global.content}
	 *                     tagsStyles={tagsStyles}
	 *                     onLinkPress={() => {}}
	 *                 />
	 *             </View>
	 *         )
	 *     );
	 * }
	setQuestionAssessmentHTML = (
		QuestionAssessmentHTML: React.ComponentType<
		> | null
	) => {
		this.QuestionAssessmentHTML = QuestionAssessmentHTML;

		| ((props: MatrixItemOnDragStartCallbackProps) => void)
		| null = null;

	 * You can use this hook to modify the `dragStart` event of the matrix sort item component.
	 * @method
	 * @param {MatrixItemOnDragStartCallbackProps} matrixItemOnDragStartCallback
	 * @example
	 * externalCodeSetup.quizAnswersApi.setMatrixItemOnDragStartCallback(props => {
	 *    props.dragStart()
	 * })
	setMatrixItemOnDragStartCallback = (
			| ((props: MatrixItemOnDragStartCallbackProps) => void)
			| null
	) => {
		this.matrixItemOnDragStartCallback = matrixItemOnDragStartCallback;

		| ((props: MatrixItemOnDraggingCallbackProps) => void)
		| null = null;

	 * You can use this hook to modify the `dragging` event of the matrix sort item component.
	 * @method
	 * @param {MatrixItemOnDraggingCallbackProps} matrixItemOnDraggingCallback
	 * @example
	 * externalCodeSetup.quizAnswersApi.setMatrixItemOnDraggingCallback(props => {
	 *   props.dragging()
	 * })
	setMatrixItemOnDraggingCallback = (
			| ((props: MatrixItemOnDraggingCallbackProps) => void)
			| null
	) => {
		this.matrixItemOnDraggingCallback = matrixItemOnDraggingCallback;

		| ((props: MatrixItemOnDragEndCallbackProps) => void)
		| null = null;

	 * You can use this hook to modify the `dragEnd` event of the matrix sort item component.
	 * @method
	 * @param {MatrixItemOnDragEndCallbackProps} matrixItemOnDragEndCallback
	 * @example
	 * externalCodeSetup.quizAnswersApi.setMatrixItemOnDragEndCallback(props => {
	 *   props.dragEnd()
	 * })
	setMatrixItemOnDragEndCallback = (
			| ((props: MatrixItemOnDragEndCallbackProps) => void)
			| null
	) => {
		this.matrixItemOnDragEndCallback = matrixItemOnDragEndCallback;