import * as React from "react";
import {NavigationService, TTranslationFunction} from "./types";
export const API_NAME = "quizReviewApi";
* QuizReviewRadioIconProps
type QuizReviewRadioIconProps = {
* Returns `true` if radio is used in a multiple choice question
multiselect: boolean,
* Default styles for the radio
styles: Record<any, any>,
* Returns `true` if the answer selected is wrong
isWrong: boolean | undefined,
* Returns `true` if the answer selected is correct
isRight: boolean | undefined,
* Returns the default resource used in the radio
multipleChoiceIcon: number,
* Answer details
radio: Record<any, any>
* QuizReviewRadioDescriptionProps
type QuizReviewRadioDescriptionProps = {
* Index of the answer
index: number,
* Default color of the description component
color: string,
* Default styles for the description
styles: Record<any, any>,
* Font details
baseFontStyle: Record<any, any>,
* Description of the answer
description: string,
* Default renderers for the HTML component
renderers: Record<any, any>
* QuizReviewFreeAnswerComponentProps
type QuizReviewFreeAnswerComponentProps = {
* Answer details
answer: Record<any, any>,
* Returns `true` if answer is correct
correct: boolean,
* Default styles
styles: Record<any, any>,
* Default success or fail icon
icon: Record<any, any>,
* Default tint color for success or fail status
tintColor: string,
* App global style
global: Record<any, any>,
* App colors
colors: Record<any, any>
* QuizReviewQuestionClosedComponentProps
type QuizReviewQuestionClosedComponentProps = {
* App global style
global: Record<any, any>,
* Default styles
styles: Record<any, any>,
* Question and answer details
questionText: string,
* Default tags styles for rendering the HTML
tagsStyles: Record<any, any>
* QuizReviewQuestionSortItemComponentProps
type QuizReviewQuestionSortItemComponentProps = {
* Default wrapper for sort component
Component: React.ComponentType,
* Default styles
styles: Record<any, any>,
* Item data
data: Record<any, any>,
* Default icon for sort component
icon: Record<any, any>,
* Returns `true` if component is being dragged
active: boolean
* QuizReviewQuestionEssayComponentProps
type QuizReviewQuestionEssayComponentProps = {
* Default styles
styles: Record<any, any>,
t: TTranslationFunction,
* App global style
global: Record<any, any>
* QuizReviewQuestionAssessmentHTMLProps
type QuizReviewQuestionAssessmentHTMLProps = {
* Question assessment details
item: Record<any, any>,
* Index of item
index: number,
* Default styles
styles: Record<any, any>,
* App global style
global: Record<any, any>,
* Default tags styles which can be used for rendering the question assessment HTML description
tagsStyles: Record<any, any>
* QuizReviewHTMLQuestionTitleProps
type QuizReviewHTMLQuestionTitleProps = {
* Default tags styles
tagsStyles: Record<any, any>,
* Default font style
baseFontStyle: Record<any, any>,
* Returns the question title in html format
html: string,
* Default image max width when generated by the HTML component
imageMaxWidth: number,
* Handles link press for the HTML component
onLinkPress: Function,
* Default ignored tags
ignoredTags: string[],
* Default classes styles
classesStyles: Record<any, any>,
* App colors
colors: Record<any, any>,
navigation: NavigationService
* AnswerResultModalMessageProps
type AnswerResultModalMessageProps = {
* App global style
global: Record<any, any>,
* App colors
colors: Record<any, any>,
* Default styles
styles: Record<any, any>,
* Answer details
answerResult: Record<any, any>,
t: TTranslationFunction,
* Returns `true` if a summary message should be visible
showSummaryMessage: boolean,
* Returns the source of an icon if answer is correct
correctIcon: number,
* Returns the source of an icon if answer is incorrect
inCorrectIcon: number,
* Returns default appropriate icon color
iconColor: string
* AnswerResultMessageProps
type AnswerResultMessageProps = {
* Returns `true` if summary message should be hidden
hideSummaryMessage: undefined | boolean,
* App global style
global: Record<any, any>,
* App colors
colors: Record<any, any>,
* Answer details
answer: Record<any, any>
* QuestionCountComponentProps
type QuestionCountComponentProps = {
hideTitle: undefined | boolean,
* Default styles
styles: Record<any, any>,
t: TTranslationFunction,
* Learndash labels
labels: Record<any, any>,
* Total number of questions
total: number,
* Current question number
questionNumber: number
* @class
* Quiz Review Hooks.
* Instance name: quizReviewApi
You can use this hook to customize the components available when reviewing a quiz or an answer to a quiz.
This includes the components in the modal if "Custom Answer Feedback" is enabled and the Quiz Review Screen (this screen shows up when "Review Quiz" button is pressed while in the Quiz Details screen).
* @example
* externalCodeSetup.quizReviewApi.METHOD_NAME
export class QuizReviewApi {
RadioIcon: React.ComponentType<QuizReviewRadioIconProps> | null = null;
* You can use this hook to change the radio icon component used in a single, multiple choice, or assessment question.
* For example, you can change the "correct" or "wrong" icon, change the component's color etc.
* @method
* @param {React.ComponentType<QuizReviewRadioIconProps>} RadioIcon
* @example
* externalCodeSetup.quizReviewApi.setRadioIcon(props => {
* const {styles, isWrong, isRight, multiselect, multipleChoiceIcon} = props;
* return multiselect ? (
* <Image
* style={[
* styles.iconStyle,
* styles.selectedStyleMultiple,
* isWrong === true ? {tintColor: styles.wrongColor} : {},
* isRight === true ? {tintColor: styles.rightColor} : {}
* ]}
* resizeMode={"contain"}
* source={multipleChoiceIcon}
* />
* ) : (
* <View
* style={[
* {borderColor: styles.borderColor},
* styles.uncheckedColor && {borderColor: styles.uncheckedColor},
* styles.selectedStyleSingle,
* isWrong === true ? {borderColor: styles.wrongColor} : {},
* isRight === true ? {borderColor: styles.rightColor} : {}
* ]}
* />
* );
* });
setRadioIcon = (
RadioIcon: React.ComponentType<QuizReviewRadioIconProps> | null
) => {
this.RadioIcon = RadioIcon;
RadioDescription: React.ComponentType<
> | null = null;
* You can use this hook to customize the label in a radio component when reviewing the answer.
* Questions that use radio components as an answer include: "Single choice", "Multiple choice", and "Assessment" type of questions.
* @method
* @param {React.ComponentType<QuizReviewRadioDescriptionProps>} RadioDescription
* @example
* ...
* import HTML from "react-native-render-html";
* export const applyCustomCode = (externalCodeSetup) => {
* externalCodeSetup.quizReviewApi.setRadioDescription(
* ({index, color, styles, baseFontStyle, description}) => (
* key={index + color}
* containerStyle={styles.containerStyle}
* baseFontStyle={baseFontStyle}
* html={description}
* />
* )
* );
* }
setRadioDescription = (
RadioDescription: React.ComponentType<
> | null
) => {
this.RadioDescription = RadioDescription;
FreeAnswerComponent: React.ComponentType<
> | null = null;
* You can use this hook to customize the displayed answer of free choice type of questions in a quiz review screen or modal.
* This hook is also used to customize the label component of "Essay / Open Answer" type of questions if the answer format is set to `Text entry`.
* If the answer format is set to `File upload`, use the `setQuestionEssayComponent` hook.
* @method
* @param {React.ComponentType<QuizReviewFreeAnswerComponentProps>} FreeAnswerComponent
* @example
* externalCodeSetup.quizReviewApi.setFreeAnswerComponent(
* ({styles, global, answer, icon, tintColor}) => (
* <View style={styles.container}>
* <Text style={[global.text]}>{answer.sentItems[0]}</Text>
* <Icon icon={icon} tintColor={tintColor} styles={styles.icon} />
* </View>
* )
* );
setFreeAnswerComponent = (
FreeAnswerComponent: React.ComponentType<
> | null
) => {
this.FreeAnswerComponent = FreeAnswerComponent;
QuestionEssayComponent: React.ComponentType<
> | null = null;
* You can use this hook to customize the file uploaded message when answering an "Essay / Open Answer" type of questions with a file upload answer format.
* To customize a text entry answer format, use `setFreeAnswerComponent` hook.
* @method
* @param {React.ComponentType<QuizReviewQuestionEssayComponentProps>} QuestionEssayComponent
* @example
* externalCodeSetup.quizReviewApi.setQuestionEssayComponent(
* ({global, styles, t}) => (
* <Text style={[global.text, styles.text]}>{t("quiz:essayUploaded")}</Text>
* )
* );
setQuestionEssayComponent = (
QuestionEssayComponent: React.ComponentType<
> | null
) => {
this.QuestionEssayComponent = QuestionEssayComponent;
QuestionClosedComponent: React.ComponentType<
> | null = null;
* You can use this hook to customize the displayed answer for "Fill in the blank" type of questions.
* @method
* @param {React.ComponentType<QuizReviewQuestionClosedComponentProps>} QuestionClosedComponent
* @example
* ...
* import HTML from "react-native-render-html";
* export const applyCustomCode = (externalCodeSetup) => {
* externalCodeSetup.quizReviewApi.setQuestionClosedComponent(
* ({global, styles, questionText, tagsStyles}) => (
* <View style={[global.courseRoundBox, styles.container]}>
* html={questionText}
* baseFontStyle={global.text}
* tagsStyles={tagsStyles}
* onLinkPress={() => {}}
* />
* </View>
* )
* );
* }
setQuestionClosedComponent = (
QuestionClosedComponent: React.ComponentType<
> | null
) => {
this.QuestionClosedComponent = QuestionClosedComponent;
QuestionSortItemComponent: React.ComponentType<
> | null = null;
* You can use this hook to customize the displayed answer when answering a "sorting" choice question type.
* For example, you can change the component's color, icon, or text display.
* @method
* @param {React.ComponentType<QuizReviewQuestionSortItemComponentProps>} QuestionSortItemComponent
* @example <caption> Change the text color of the item component when dragging </caption>
* ...
* export const applyCustomCode = (externalCodeSetup) => {
* externalCodeSetup.quizReviewApi.setQuestionSortItemComponent(({
* Component,
* styles,
* data,
* icon,
* active
* }) => {
* let titleStyle = styles.title;
* if (active){
* titleStyle = {
* ...styles.title,
* color: 'red'
* }
* }
* return (
* <Component style={styles.containerStyle}>
* <Text style={titleStyle}>{data.title}</Text>
* <Image style={styles.icon} source={icon} />
* </Component>
* );
* });
* }
setQuestionSortItemComponent = (
QuestionSortItemComponent: React.ComponentType<
> | null
) => {
this.QuestionSortItemComponent = QuestionSortItemComponent;
QuestionAssessmentHTML: React.ComponentType<
> | null = null;
* You can use this hook to customize the "Less true" or "More true" components when reviewing an "Assessment" type of question.
* @method
* @param {QuizReviewQuestionAssessmentHTMLProps} QuestionAssessmentHTML
* @example
* ...
* import HTML from "react-native-render-html";
* export const applyCustomCode = (externalCodeSetup) => {
* externalCodeSetup.quizReviewApi.setQuestionAssessmentHTML(
* ({item, index, styles, global, tagsStyles}) => (
* <View key={index}>
* html={item.value}
* containerStyle={styles.container}
* baseFontStyle={global.text}
* tagsStyles={tagsStyles}
* onLinkPress={() => {}}
* />
* </View>
* )
* );
* }
setQuestionAssessmentHTML = (
QuestionAssessmentHTML: React.ComponentType<
> | null
) => {
this.QuestionAssessmentHTML = QuestionAssessmentHTML;
HTMLQuestionTitle: React.ComponentType<
> | null = null;
* You can use this hook to customize the question title components (if they are rendered as HTML tags instead of Blocks) in the Quiz Review screen and modal.
* @method
* @param {QuizReviewHTMLQuestionTitleProps} HTMLQuestionTitle
* @example
* ...
* import {sourceRenderer} from "@src/utils/htmlRender";
* import HTML from "react-native-render-html";
* export const applyCustomCode = (externalCodeSetup) => {
* externalCodeSetup.quizReviewApi.setHTMLQuestionTitle(
* ({
* tagsStyles,
* baseFontStyle,
* html,
* imageMaxWidth,
* classesStyles,
* onLinkPress,
* ignoredTags,
* colors,
* navigation
* }) => (
* tagsStyles={tagsStyles}
* baseFontStyle={baseFontStyle}
* html={html}
* imagesMaxWidth={imageMaxWidth}
* onLinkPress={onLinkPress}
* ignoredTags={ignoredTags}
* classesStyles={classesStyles}
* alterChildren={node => {
* // removing <a/> if the parent node is audio
* if ( === "a" && node.parent?.name === "audio") {
* return [];
* }
* }}
* renderers={{
* source: (htmlAttribs, children, convertedCSSStyles, passProps) =>
* sourceRenderer(
* htmlAttribs,
* children,
* convertedCSSStyles,
* passProps,
* colors,
* navigation
* )
* }}
* />
* )
* );
* }
setHTMLQuestionTitle = (
HTMLQuestionTitle: React.ComponentType<
> | null
) => {
this.HTMLQuestionTitle = HTMLQuestionTitle;
AnswerResultModalMessage: React.ComponentType<
> | null = null;
* You can use this hook to customize the "correct" or "incorrect" message that is displayed in the Quiz Review modal.
* @method
* @param {AnswerResultModalMessageProps} AnswerResultModalMessage
* @example
* ...
* import QuestionSummaryMessage from "@src/components/Questions/QuestionSummaryMessage";
* export const applyCustomCode = (externalCodeSetup) => {
* externalCodeSetup.quizReviewApi.setAnswerResultModalMessage(
* ({
* global,
* colors,
* styles,
* answerResult,
* t,
* showSummaryMessage,
* correctIcon,
* inCorrectIcon
* }) => {
* return (
* <View style={styles.container}>
* <Image
* style={styles.image}
* source={answerResult.isCorrect ? correctIcon : inCorrectIcon}
* />
* <Text style={styles.status}>
* {answerResult.isCorrect ? t("quiz:correct") : t("quiz:incorrect")}
* </Text>
* {showSummaryMessage && (
* <View style={styles.summaryMessageContainer}>
* <QuestionSummaryMessage
* message={answerResult.message}
* global={global}
* colors={colors}
* />
* </View>
* )}
* </View>
* );
* }
* );
* }
setAnswerResultModalMessage = (
AnswerResultModalMessage: React.ComponentType<
> | null
) => {
this.AnswerResultModalMessage = AnswerResultModalMessage;
AnswerResultMessage: React.ComponentType<
> | null = null;
* You can use this hook to customize the "correct" or "incorrect" message that is displayed in the Quiz Review screen.
* @method
* @param {AnswerResultMessageProps} AnswerResultMessage
* @example
* ...
* import QuestionSummaryMessage from "@src/components/Questions/QuestionSummaryMessage";
* export const applyCustomCode = (externalCodeSetup) => {
* externalCodeSetup.quizReviewApi.setAnswerResultMessage(({
* hideSummaryMessage,
* global,
* colors,
* answer
* }) => {
* return hideSummaryMessage !== true ? (
* <View>
* <QuestionSummaryMessage
* global={global}
* colors={colors}
* message={answer.message}
* />
* </View>
* ) : null;
* });
* }
setAnswerResultMessage = (
AnswerResultMessage: React.ComponentType<AnswerResultMessageProps> | null
) => {
this.AnswerResultMessage = AnswerResultMessage;
QuestionCountComponent: React.ComponentType<
> | null = null;
* You can use this hook to customize the question count component ("Question 1 of 10" text) in the Quiz Review screen.
* @method
* @param {QuestionCountComponentProps} QuestionCountComponent
* @example
* externalCodeSetup.quizReviewApi.setQuestionCountComponent(
* ({hideTitle, styles, t, labels, questionNumber, total}) => {
* return !hideTitle ? (
* <Text style={styles.text}>
* {t("quiz:questionCount", {
* question: labels.question,
* current: questionNumber + 1,
* total: total || ""
* })}
* </Text>
* ) : null;
* }
* );
setQuestionCountComponent = (
QuestionCountComponent: React.ComponentType<
> | null
) => {
this.QuestionCountComponent = QuestionCountComponent;