

 * Course
export type Course = {
	 * Course id
	id: number,
	 * Course title
	title: Record<any, any>,
	 * Course content
	content: Record<any, any>,
	 * Date when course was created
	date: string,
	 * Date when course was created
	date_gmt: string,
	 * Date when course was modified
	modified: string,
	 * Date when course was modified
	modified_gmt: string,
	 * Link to the course
	link: string,
	 * Slug of url to course
	slug: string,
	 * User id of author
	author: number,
	 * Course excerpt
	excerpt: Record<any, any>,
	menu_order: number,
	 * Url to featured image
	featured_media: Record<any, any>,
	 * Url to cover image
	cover_media: Record<any, any>,
	 * Returns `true` if user has access
	has_course_access: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if offline disabled
	offline_disabled: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if logged-in user has access to course's content
	has_content_access: boolean,
	 * Course materials
	materials: undefined | string,
	 * Returns `true` if course can be purchased
	purchasable: boolean,
	 * Course price and currency
	price: Record<any, any>,
	 * Returns `true` if content table is hidden
	hide_content_table: boolean,
	 * User's progress in the course
	progression: number,
	 * Returns `true` if course is closed
	is_closed: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if user can enroll to course
	can_enroll: boolean,
	points: number,
	duration: Record<any, any>,
	 * Course categories
	categories: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Course tags
	tags: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Shows number of enrolled members
	enrolled_members: number,
	 * Certificate details
	certificate: Record<any, any>,
	module: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Url to video of course
	video: string,
	group: number,
	forum: number,
	 * Lessons associated to the course
	lessons: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Quizzes associated to the course
	quizzes: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Returns `true` if lesson has been completed
	completed: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if quiz has been completed
	quiz_completed: boolean,
	 * Returns`true` if start function should be showed
	show_start: boolean,
	error_message: Record<any, any>[],
	last_activity_time: string,
	excerpt_native: Record<any, any>,
	 * Blocks in the course
	content_native: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Access controls
	bb_access: Record<any, any>,
	 * IAP products associated to the course
	bbapp_products: Record<any, any>,
	_link: Record<any, any>,
	_embedded: Record<any, any>,
	 * Shows members enrolled in course
	members: Record<any, any>[]

 * TCourseViewModel
export type TCourseViewModel = {
	 * Course id
	id: number,
	 * Url to featured image
	featuredUrl: string,
	 * Url to cover image
	coverUrl: string,
	 * Returns `true` if user can enroll to course
	canEnroll: boolean,
	 * Returns a message if incomplete prerequisite
	incompletePrerequisiteMessage: string,
	 * Course title
	title: string,
	 * Returns course progression by the user
	progression: number,
	 * Date of when course was created
	date: string,
	 * Number of lessons in the course
	lessonsCount: number,
	 * Number of lessons completed in the course
	lessonsCompleted: number,
	 * Default function when a course widget is clicked
	onClick: Function,
	 * Returns `true` if course is closed
	isClosed: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if user has access
	hasAccess: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if has content access
	hasContentAccess: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if content table is hidden
	hideContentTable: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if course can only be accessed if user has paid for it
	paidCourse: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if course has been completed by the logged-in user
	completed: boolean,
	 * Link to the course
	link: string,
	 * Returns `true` if course can be purchased
	purchasable: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if offline disabled
	offlineDisabled: boolean,
	 * Url to video of course
	videoUrl: string | undefined,
	 * Returns detail of access granted
	bb_access: Record<any, any>,
	 * Course price and currency
	price: Record<any, any>,
	 * Error message encountered
	error: Record<any, any>,
	 * Id of course's author
	authorId: number,
	 * Author details
	author: Record<any, any>,
	 * Date of when course was last modified
	modifiedDate: string,
	 * Returns`true` if start function should be showed
	showStart: boolean,
	 * Certificate details
	certificate: Record<any, any>,
	 * Shows members enrolled in course
	members: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Shows number of enrolled members
	enrolledMmebers: number,
	 * IAP products associated to the course
	iapProducts: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Forum associated to the course
	forumId: number,
	 * Course materials
	materials: undefined | string, // check value if defined
	 * Course content
	content: string,
	 * Blocks in the course
	contentNative: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Lessons associated to the course
	lessons: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Returns `true` if course is loading
	loading: boolean,
	 * Quizzes associated to the course
	quizzes: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Course categories
	categories: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Number of course categories
	categoriesCount: number,
	 * Returns `true` if user is enrolling to the course
	isEnrolling: boolean

 * TLessonViewModel
export type TLessonViewModel = {
	 * Lesson id
	id: number,
	 * Lesson title
	title: string,
	 * Lesson content
	content: string,
	 * Blocks used in the lesson
	contentNative: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Lesson excerpt
	excerpt: string,
	 * Url to lesson
	link: string,
	 * Returns `true` if quiz in the lesson has been completed
	quizCompleted: boolean,
	lessonQuizzes: Quiz[],
	 * Returns `true` if lesson has been completed
	completed: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if lesson requires timer
	requireTimer: boolean,
	 * Timer required time
	timerRequiredTime: number,
	 * User's progress in the lesson
	progression: number,
	 * Returns `true` if logged-in user has access to lesson
	hasAccess: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if logged-in user has access to lesson's content
	hasContentAccess: boolean,
	 * Number of topics in the lesson
	topicsCount: number,
	 * Url added in video progression of the lesson
	videoUrl: string,
	 * Video details
	video: Record<any, any>

 * Quiz
export type Quiz = {
	 * Quiz id
	id: number,
	 * Quiz title
	title: string,
	 * Date when quiz was created
	date: string,
	 * Date when quiz was created
	date_gmt: string,
	 * Date when quiz was last modified

	modified: string,
	 * Date when quiz was last modified
	modified_gmt: string,
	 * Slug of url to quiz
	 * Time limit to take the quiz
	timeLimit: number | undefined,
	 * Quiz content
	content: string,
	contentNative: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Name and avatar of author
	author: Record<any, any>,
	 * Link to quiz
	link: string | undefined,
	 * Returns `true` if quiz has been completed
	completed: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if user has access to the quiz
	hasAccess: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if user has access to the content of the quiz
	hasContentAccess: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if user can take the quiz again
	canTakeAgain: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if answer mark is disabled
	disabledAnswerMark: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if answer message box should be hidden
	hideAnswerMessageBox: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if quiz has numbered answers
	numberedAnswer: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if review question should be shown
	showReviewQuestion: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if question numbering should be hidden
	hideQuestionNumbering: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if quiz category should be shown
	showCategory: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if points per question should be shown
	showPoints: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if users are forced to answer all questions
	forcingQuestionSolve: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if quiz title should be hidden
	titleHidden: boolean | null,
	 * Returns `true` if quiz form is activated
	formActivated: boolean,
	 * Returns the position of the form
	formShowPosition: number,
	 * Returns the quiz form
	form: boolean | Record<any, any>[],
	 * Returns `true` if summary button should be hidden
	quizSummaryHide: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if quiz should start automatically
	autoStart: boolean | null,
	 * Returns data about quiz saving
	quizSaving: boolean | Record<any, any>,
	 * Returns number of seconds allowed for taking the quiz
	quizSavingTimeout: number,
	 * Quiz saved answers
	quizSavedAnswers: Record<any, any>,
	 * Executes an "onClick" function passed to the model
	onClick: Function

 * LearnTopic
export type LearnTopic = {
	 * Topic id
	id: number,
	 * Topic title
	title: Record<any, any>,
	 * Date created
	date: string,
	 * Date created
	date_gmt: string,
	 * Date modified
	modified: string,
	 * Date modified
	modified_gmt: string,
	 * Link to topic
	link: string,
	 * Topic's url slug
	slug: string,
	 * User id of author
	author: number,
	 * Topic excerpt
	excerpt: Record<any, any>,
	menu_order: number,
	 * Returns `true` if user has access
	has_course_access: boolean,
	 * Topic id where quiz is located
	topic: number,
	 * Returns `true` if quiz has been completed
	completed: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if quiz can be taken again
	can_take_again: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if logged-in user has access to course's content
	has_content_access: boolean,
	 * Featured media of topic
	featured_media: Record<any, any>,
	 * Course id of topic's parent
	course: number,

	 * Lesson id of topic's parent
	lesson: number,
	 * Id of the next topic
	next_topic: number,

	 * Topic materials
	materials: string,
	duration: Record<any, any>,
	 * Url for video progression
	video: string,
	 * Returns `true` if assignment upload is enabled
	assignment_upload: boolean,
	 * Topic category
	category: Record<any, any>,
	 * Topic's tag
	tag: Record<any, any>,
	 * Quizzes associated to the topic
	quizzes: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Course categories
	categories: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Number of course categories
	categoriesCount: number,
	 * Returns `true` if user is enrolling to the course
	isEnrolling: boolean

 * TMember
export type TMember = {
	 * User id
	id: number,
	 * Name of user
	name: string,

	 * Login name of user
	user_login: string,
	 * Url to user's profile
	link: string,
	 * Member type
	member_types: Record<any, any>,
	 * User's date of registration
	registered_date: string,
	 * User's profile name
	profile_name: string,
	 * User's last activity
	last_activity: string,
	 * Extended profile data
	xprofile: Record<any, any>,
	 * Number of followers
	followers: number,
	 * Number of user's connections
	following: number,
	 * Returns `true` if user is wp admin
	is_wp_admin: boolean,

	 * Friendship status
		| "pending"
		| "is_friend"
		| "not_friends"
		| "awaiting_response",
	 * User's handle
	mention_name: string,
	 * User's avatars
	avatar_urls?: Record<any, any>,
	 * User's profile cover image
	cover_url: string | boolean,
	cover_is_default: boolean,
	 * Gamipress points
	points: Record<any, any>,
	is_admin: boolean,
	 * User's points
	user_points: Record<any, any>[]

 * QuestionViewModel
export type QuestionViewModel = {
	 * Question category
	category: string,
	 * Id of quiz
	quizId: number,
	 * Id of question
	id: number,
	 * Index of question in the quiz
	index: number,
	 * Question title
	title: string,
	 * Title block
	titleNative: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Hint
	hint: string,
	 * Answer options
	options: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Answer data if question is matrix sorting
	matrixValues: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Question type
	questionType: string,
	 * Graded type
	gradedType: string,
	 * Data for resuming a question
	resumeData: Record<any, any>
 * Blog model used by the app that came from Blog API. All fields from api response will also be available in BlogViewModel.
 * For more information, refer to: {@link}
export type BlogViewModel = {
	 * Blog id
	id: string,
	 * Link to the blog post
	link: string,
	 * Blog title
	title: string,
	 * Content of the blog
	content: string,
	 * Blocks used in the blog
	contentNative: Record<any, any>[],
	 * HTML content of the blog
	contentHtml: string,
	 * Name of blog's author
	authorName: string,
	 * Link to author's avatar
	avatar: string,
	 * Date posted
	date: string,
	 * Number of comments in the blog
	commentCount: number,
	 * Returns `true` if blog allows comments
	allowComments: boolean,
	 * Replies posted in the blog
	replies: Record<any, any>[],
	 * If a featured image is set, returns a string link to the featured image.
	 * Otherwise, will return an integer indicating that `require("../assets/img/default/default-blog-img.png")` is used for the featured image
	featuredImage: number | string

 * Navigation object from "@react-navigation/native"
 * @see {@link}
export type NavigationService = {
	navigate: Function,
	dispatch: Function,
	replace: Function,
	push: Function,
	pop: Function,
	goBack: Function,
	reset: Function,
	setParams: Function,
	isFocused: Function,
	canGoBack: Function,
	isActive: Boolean

 * User
export type User = {
	/** The user's ID */
	id: number,
	/** The user's name */
	name: string,
	/** The user's URL */
	url: string,
	/** A description of the user */
	description: string,
	/** The user's link */
	link: string,
	/** The user's slug */
	slug: string,
	/** An object containing the user's avatar URLs */
	avatar_urls: Record<any, any>,
	/** An object containing metadata about the user */
	meta: Record<any, any>,
	/** An object containing the user's push notification settings */
	push_notification_settings: Record<any, any>,
	/** The user's "nice" name (lowercase, no spaces, with hyphens) */
	nicename: string,
	/** An object containing the user's points */
	points: Record<any, any>,
	/** An object containing the logged-in user's permissions */
	loggedin_user_permissions: Record<any, any>,
	/** The URL of the user's profile */
	bbp_user_profile_url: string,
	/** The number of topics started by the user */
	topics_started_count: number,
	/** The number of replies created by the user */
	replies_created_count: number,
	/** The user's forum role */
	forum_role: string,
	/** An array of the user's points */
	user_points: Record<any, any>[],
	/** An array of the user's achievements */
	user_achievements: Record<any, any>[],
	/** An array of the user's ranks */
	user_ranks: Record<any, any>[],
	/** An object containing information about the user's membership */
	member_rest: Record<any, any>,
	/** The user's login name */
	user_login: string,
	/** An object containing information about the user's member types */
	member_types: Record<any, any>,
	/** The date when the user registered */
	registered_date: string,
	/** The user's profile name */
	profile_name: string,
	/** The date of the user's last activity */
	last_activity: string,
	/** An object containing the user's extended profile information */
	xprofile: Record<any, any>,
	/** The number of followers the user has */
	followers: number,
	/** The number of users the user is following */
	following: number,
	/** A boolean value indicating whether the user is a WordPress admin */
	is_wp_admin: boolean,
	/** The user's friendship status */
	friendship_status: string,
	/** The ID of the user's friendship (if applicable) */
	friendship_id: any,
	/** A boolean value indicating whether the user can create a friendship */
	create_friendship: boolean,
	/** A boolean value indicating whether the user is following the logged-in user */
	is_following: boolean,
	/** The user's mention name */
	mention_name: string,
	/** The URL of the user's cover image */
	cover_url: string,
	/** A boolean value indicating whether the user's cover image is the default */
	cover_is_default: boolean,
	/** A boolean value indicating whether the user can be reported */
	can_report: boolean,
	/** A boolean value indicating whether the user has been reported */
	reported: boolean,
	/** A boolean value indicating whether the logged-in user can report the user */
	can_user_report: boolean,
	/** A boolean value indicating whether the user has been reported by the logged-in user */
	user_reported: boolean

 * TGroupViewModel
export type TGroupViewModel = {
	 * Returns id of the group parent if available
	parentId: number,
	 * Group id
	id: number,
	 * Group avatar
	avatar: string,
	 *  Returns `true` if group has cover image
	coverImage: string,
	 * Returns `true` if cover image is default
	coverIsDefault: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if logged in user is a member
	isMember: boolean,

	 * Returns `true` if logged in user is an admin
	isAdmin: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if logged in user is the creator of the group
	isAuthor: boolean,

	 * Returns `true` if logged in user is assigned as a moderator
	isMod: boolean,

	 * Returns `true` if logged in user is assigned as an organizer
	isSoloOrganizer: boolean,

	 * Returns `true` if logged in user is not an admin
	notAdmin: boolean,
	 * Returns the invite id if logged in user has been invited to join. Otherwise, will return `false`
	inviteId: number | boolean,

	 *  Returns `true` if group can be reported
	can_report: boolean,

	 * Returns `true` if group has already been reported
	reported: boolean,

	 * Returns request id if logged in user is trying to join the group. Otherwise, will return `false`
	requestId: number | boolean,

	 * Group title
	title: string,
	 * Group description
	content: string,

	 * Group description rendered
	contentRendered: string,
	 *  Group short description
	shortContent: string,
	 * Returns `true` if group has associated forum
	hasForum: boolean,

	 * Number of members in the group
	membersCount: number,

	 * Group visibility. Ex: `public`, `hidden`
	status: string,

	admins: Array<TMember>,

	 * Role of logged in user
	role: string,
	 * Role label of logged in user
	roleLabel: string,

	 * Group type
	type: string,

	subgroupIds: number[],

	 *  Function to navigate to group link in web
	navigateToWeb: Function,

	 *  Function to navigate to group's forum
	navigateToForum?: Function,

	 * Toggle subscription to group
	subscribeClick?: Function,

	 *  Function to get all fields given by api. Ex: `const group = getGroup(g => g)`.
	getGroup: Function,

	 * Returns `true` if logged in user can post
	canPost: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if logged in user can join
	canJoin: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if logged in user can create media
	canCreateMedia: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if logged in user can create document
	canCreateDocument: boolean,
	 * Function to navigate to group item
	onClick: Function

export type TMemberViewModel = {
	 * Id of member
	id: number,
	 * Returns `true` if member is not the user logged in
	someoneelse: boolean,
	 * Full name of user
	fullname: string,
	 * Url to user's avatar
	avatarUrl: string,
	 * Url to user's full avatar image
	avatarFull: string,
	 * Returns friend status
	friendStatus: string,
	 * Returns a nice name format of user's name
	nicename: string,
	 * Returns the friendship id between logged in user and user loaded in the model
	friendshipId: number | null,
	 * Returns last activity of user
	lastActivity: string,
	 * Can be used to redirect to user's profile
	onClick: () => void,
	 * Url to user's cover image
	coverSrc: string,
	 * Points associated to user
	points: number,
	 * User points information
	userPoints: any[],
	 * User type
	type: string,
	 * Date when the user registered
	registeredDate: string,
	 * Date when the user joined the group
	groupJoiningDate: string,
	 * Number of followers
	followers: number,
	 * Number of persons that the user is following
	following: number,
	 * Returns `true` if user can be reported
	can_report: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if user has already been reported
	reported: boolean,
	 * inviter Inviter member details
	inviter: TMemberViewModel

 * Helper function to translate string
 * @return {string}
export type TTranslationFunction = (
	arg0: string,
	arg1?: Record<any, any>
) => string;

 * WebSource
export type WebSource = {
	headers: Record<any, any>,
	uri: string

 * Lesson
export type Lesson = {
	 * Lesson id
	id: number,
	 * Lesson title
	title: Record<any, any>,
	 * Lesson content
	content: Record<any, any>,
	 * Date created
	date: string,
	 * Date created
	date_gmt: string,
	 * Date modified
	modified: string,
	 * Date modified
	modified_gmt: string,
	 * Url to lesson
	link: string,
	 * Lesson's url slug
	slug: string,
	 * User id of author
	author: number,
	 * Lesson excerpt
	excerpt: Record<any, any>,
	menu_order: number,
	 * Returns `true` if user has access
	has_course_access: boolean,

	 * Returns `true` if logged-in user has access to lessons's content
	has_content_access: boolean,
	 * Featured media of lesson
	featured_media: Record<any, any>,
	 * Course id of lessons's parent
	course: number,
	 * Next lesson's id
	next_lesson: number,
	duration: Record<any, any>,
	 * Lesson materials
	materials: string,
	 * Url for video progression
	video: string,
	 * Returns `true` if f upload is enabled
	assignment_upload: boolean,
	is_sample: boolean,
	 * Topics associated to the lesson
	topics: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Quizzes associated to the lesson
	quizzes: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Returns `true` if topic has been completed
	completed: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if quiz in the lesson has been completed
	quiz_completed: boolean,
	settings: Record<any, any>,
	 * Returns `true` if lesson can be marked as completed
	can_complete: boolean,
	error_message: Record<any, any>[],
	excerpt_native: Record<any, any>,
	 * Blocks in the lesson
	content_native: Record<any, any>,
	_links: Record<any, any>,
	_embedded: Record<any, any>

 * TLearnTopicViewModel
export type TLearnTopicViewModel = {
	 * Topic id
	id: number,
	 * Topic title
	title: string,
	 * Blocks in the topic
	contentNative: Record<any, any>,
	 * Topic content
	content: string,
	 * Topic author
	author: Record<any, any>,
	 * Video progression
	video: Record<any, any>,
	 * Link to topic
	link: string,
	 * Url of the video used in video progression
	videoUrl: string,
	 * Order number of topic
	order: number,
	 * Number of topics
	total: number,
	lessonProgress: number,
	 * Returns `true` if topic has been marked as complete
	completed: boolean,
	 * Returns `true` if assignment upload is enabled
	assignment_upload: boolean,
	 * Quizzes associated to the topic
	quizzes: Record<any, any>[],
	 * Returns `true` if timer should be shown
	requiredTimer: boolean,
	 * Duration of timer
	duration: number,
	settings: Record<any, any>,
	 * Date created
	date: string