BuddyBoss App Plugin - Version 2.0.91

Release date: Mar 26, 2024


  • Enhancement: Branding - Added new color option into the branding menu to change the post skeleton loader and also the post separator color in the activity feed
  • Enhancement: Custom Development - Removed and released existing libraries from BuddyBoss App Labs with libraries added into Labs until April 16th

File Changes:

  • assets/css/admin.css
  • assets/css/admin.css.map
  • assets/css/admin.rtl.css
  • buddyboss-app.php
  • include/BetaRelease.php
  • include/Styling.php
  • languages/buddyboss-app-de_DE_formal.mo
  • languages/buddyboss-app-de_DE_formal.po
  • languages/buddyboss-app.po
  • languages/buddyboss-app.pot
  • package.json
  • readme.txt
  • views/preview/common/styles.php
  • views/preview/screens/color-general.php