BuddyBoss Theme - Version 2.6.50

Release date: Jul 24, 2024


  • Enhancement: Styling - We have updated to show a modal instead of dropdown for ellipsis in responsive view across the network
  • Bug: Activity - Multilevel activity replies graph is now displayed for betting viewing in the mobile view
  • Bug: Activity - Text wrapping for link previews in the activity feed was breaking words to move to the next line instead of moving a whole word t the next line for a more readable experience
  • Bug: Activity - The large space above a Gif post has now been reduced for better post styling
  • Bug: Core - Member profile tabs were not clickable on mobile devices
  • Bug: Core - Updated syntax in the invite-anyone.php file
  • Bug: Elementor - The delete and edit action buttons for activity comments and replies in the Elementor BuddyBoss Activity widget can now be enabled/disabled
  • Bug: LearnDash - Course locked tooltip text was not displayed properly when a user tried to visit a locked course
  • Bug: Styling - Adjusting the widget size was not working correctly
  • Bug: Styling - Discussion tab left margin UI issue is fixed
  • Bug: Styling - Removed the extra spacing after Group Visibility from the Group cards
  • Bug: Styling - Updated the border radius display on reply lists for forum discussions
  • Bug: WooCommerce - The WooCommerce template was showing outdated templates when using the BuddyBoss Theme

File Changes:

  • assets/css-rtl/admin.css
  • assets/css-rtl/admin.min.css
  • assets/css-rtl/bbpress.css
  • assets/css-rtl/bbpress.min.css
  • assets/css-rtl/buddypress.css
  • assets/css-rtl/buddypress.min.css
  • assets/css-rtl/elementor.css
  • assets/css-rtl/elementor.min.css
  • assets/css-rtl/learndash.css
  • assets/css-rtl/learndash.min.css
  • assets/css-rtl/lifterlms.css
  • assets/css-rtl/lifterlms.min.css
  • assets/css-rtl/template-v2.css
  • assets/css-rtl/template-v2.min.css
  • assets/css-rtl/theme.css
  • assets/css-rtl/theme.min.css
  • assets/css/admin.css
  • assets/css/admin.min.css
  • assets/css/bbpress.css
  • assets/css/bbpress.min.css
  • assets/css/buddypress.css
  • assets/css/buddypress.min.css
  • assets/css/elementor.css
  • assets/css/elementor.min.css
  • assets/css/learndash.css
  • assets/css/learndash.min.css
  • assets/css/lifterlms.css
  • assets/css/lifterlms.min.css
  • assets/css/template-v2.css
  • assets/css/template-v2.min.css
  • assets/css/theme.css
  • assets/css/theme.min.css
  • assets/js/main.js
  • assets/js/main.min.js
  • assets/js/vendors/menu.js
  • bbpress/content-single-topic-lead.php
  • bbpress/feedback-no-topics.php
  • bbpress/loop-single-reply.php
  • bbpress/loop-topics.php
  • buddypress/groups/single/invite-anyone.php
  • inc/theme/functions.php
  • languages/buddyboss-theme.pot
  • learndash/ld30/learndash-sidebar.php
  • package.json
  • readme.txt
  • style.css
  • newtemplate-parts/more-options-view.php
  • woocommerce/myaccount/form-lost-password.php
  • woocommerce/myaccount/navigation.php
  • woocommerce/order/order-details.php