BuddyBoss Theme - Version 2.8.00
Release date: Mar 05, 2025
- Enhancement: WPML - Added compatibility to ensure related posts are displayed in the same language as the current post.
- Enhancement: Added new settings to allow admins to enable or disable member and group counts on the Members and Groups directory pages
- Bug: Core - Fixed an error that occurred when changing the domain on a live site or migrating the live site to staging
- Bug: Event Calendar Pro - Fixed an issue where maps were not displaying on the Events page
- Bug: Elementor - Fixed an issue where the edit and delete activity options were not working in the Elementor Activity widget
- Bug: Groups - Fixed an issue where the "Create a Group" button displayed the wrong background colour on hover
- Bug: Tutor LMS - Fixed a side area UI issue on Tutor LMS Single Bundle pages
- Bug: Lifter LMS - Fixed a translation issue with the Lifter LMS
- Bug: Tutor LMS - Fixed a broken header issue on Tutor LMS Single Bundle pages for Course Bundles
File Changes:
- archive-sfwd-courses.php
- assets/css-rtl/buddypress.css
- assets/css-rtl/buddypress.min.css
- assets/css-rtl/elementor.css
- assets/css-rtl/elementor.min.css
- assets/css-rtl/eventscalendar.css
- assets/css-rtl/eventscalendar.min.css
- assets/css-rtl/learndash.css
- assets/css-rtl/learndash.min.css
- assets/css-rtl/lifterlms.css
- assets/css-rtl/lifterlms.min.css
- assets/css-rtl/template-v2.css
- assets/css-rtl/template-v2.min.css
- assets/css-rtl/theme.css
- assets/css-rtl/theme.min.css
- assets/css-rtl/tutorlms.css
- assets/css-rtl/tutorlms.min.css
- assets/css/buddypress.css
- assets/css/buddypress.min.css
- assets/css/elementor.css
- assets/css/elementor.min.css
- assets/css/eventscalendar.css
- assets/css/eventscalendar.min.css
- assets/css/learndash.css
- assets/css/learndash.min.css
- assets/css/lifterlms.css
- assets/css/lifterlms.min.css
- assets/css/template-v2.css
- assets/css/template-v2.min.css
- assets/css/theme.css
- assets/css/theme.min.css
- assets/css/tutorlms.css
- assets/css/tutorlms.min.css
- assets/js/plugins/learndash.js
- assets/js/plugins/learndash.min.js
- assets/js/plugins/lifterlms.js
- assets/js/plugins/lifterlms.min.js
- buddypress/common/nav/directory-nav.php
- buddypress/groups/index.php
- buddypress/members/index.php
- buddypress/members/single/courses/courses.php
- inc/admin/framework/redux-core/inc/classes/class-redux-options-constructor.php
- inc/admin/options/get-option.php
- inc/compatibility/incompatible-themes-helper.php
- inc/core/deprecated/deprecated-functions.php
- inc/plugins/elementor/assets/js/frontend.js
- inc/plugins/elementor/assets/js/frontend.min.js
- inc/plugins/elementor/widgets/bb-activity.php
- inc/theme/template-functions.php
- languages/buddyboss-theme.pot
- lifterlms/course/course-index.php
- lifterlms/loop/featured-image.php
- package.json
- readme.txt
- style.css
- tribe-events/modules/meta.php