BuddyBoss Platform

Turn off Notifications

Turn Off Notifications

Sometimes you just don’t want to get notified for a post any longer. With this feature, you can now opt out of specific post notifications rather than disabling them for all posts. 

There are no Admin settings for this feature, they will automatically be available to all users based on their own notification preferences. The only requirement is to ensure the Notifications component is enabled in BuddyBoss Platform.

Turn Off Notification in BuddyBoss Platform

Let’s navigate to your News Feed page and from your post click on the ellipses (3 dots), a tiny menu bar will appear with the Turn off notification option. 

After pressing it you can see a bell slash icon which means the notification is turned off for this post. And in the right bottom corner a message will appear notifying you that notification is muted particularly for this activity post.

Check out another member’s comment in this post but the post author didn’t get any notification. 

In the same way you can Turn on notifications

Now at the bottom left corner you will be notified that this notification is unmuted particularly for this activity post. 

And after having a comment by another member now the post author is getting notification.  

You can find this Turn off notifications option in the Group posts.

Turn Off Notification in BuddyBoss App

Login to your BuddyBoss App and navigate to the News Feed. Click on the ellipses (3 dots) of your post.

A modal will appear with the Turon off notifications option, let’s press it. 

On the top of the page you will get notified this post is muted and notice a bell slash icon.

In the same way you can Turn on notifications.

You can see there are two comments. Derick commented after turning off the notifications and Jetal commented after turning on the notifications.

And we get a notification only from Jetal. 

Enhance your online experience by mastering the art of managing notifications effectively. Whether on the BuddyBoss Platform or BuddyBoss App, take control of your notifications seamlessly for a tailored user experience.


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