BuddyBoss Platform

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  2. BuddyBoss Platform
  3. Platform Settings
  4. How to Configure Directory Counts in BuddyBoss

How to Configure Directory Counts in BuddyBoss

  1. Navigate to Dashboard > BuddyBoss > Settings.
  2. Click on the General tab.
Step 2: Locate the Content Count Setting
  1. Scroll down under Toolbar setting to find the Content Counts setting
  2. This setting includes a checkbox to enable or disable content counts.
Step 3: Configure Content Count Settings
  • To enable content counts: Check the box.
  • To disable content counts: Uncheck the box.
  • Default behavior:
    • New installations: Disabled by default.
    • Existing installations: Enabled by default.
  1. Click the Save Changes button to apply your preferences.

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