The notification system in BuddyBoss platform allows members to get notified when they are mentioned, receive a message, or need to be notified about other activity. In this tutorial, we show you everything you need to know about the notifications system and how you can maximize it to your social network’s benefit.
On-Screen Notifications In this video, you will learn how to configure On-Screen Notifications, which will help to drive engagement in your community by showing your members new notifications they…Notification Types In this tutorial, you will learn how to manage the Notification Preferences in the BuddyBoss Platform. Your members can easily manage their notifications for Email, Web, and…Messaging Notifications While notifications are extremely powerful for engaging with your users, they can become overwhelming in busy or larger communities. In this tutorial, we will look at two…Web Push Notifications Why Use Web Push Notifications? When your community members receive push notifications for events they are already aware of it can become annoying if you are the…