You create a new point type or add a point award for LifterLMS events to existing point types in GamiPress.
To create a new point type for LifterLMS events:
- Go to WordPress Dashboard > GamiPress > Point Types and click the Add New button.
- Add a name for the point type.
- Upload an image for the point type.
- In the Automatic Points Awards meta box, select Complete a lesson from the LifterLMS events in the When drop-down list.
- Add 1 in time(s) text box, Unlimited to set the limit for the points awarded.
- Enter the number of points to award for the event and the number of times a user can earn them.
- Add a label for the point award.
- Click the Save All Points Awards button to save the changes.
Create multiple points awards for the LifterLMS events as preferred.
- In the Automatic Points Deducts meta box, select Fail a quiz item from the LifterLMS events in the When drop-down list.
- Add 3 in time(s) text box, 3 to set the limit for the point deductions.
- Enter the number of points to deduct for the event and the number of times a user loose points.
- Add a label for the point deduction.
- Click the Save All Points Deducts button to save the changes.
Create multiple points deducts for the LifterLMS events as preferred.
- Click the Publish button.
![GamiPress - LifterLMS Integration - Creating point type for LifterLMS events](
The GamiPress + LifterLMS Integration adds LifterLMS events for Point Types, Achievement Types and Rank Types to automatically create an activity feed for the points, achievements, and ranks earned/deducted by a user.
![GamiPress - LifterLMS Integration - Activity feed for the points earned by a user for the LifterLMS event](