File: bp-forums/admin/parser.php
class BBCodeLexer { var $token; var $text; var $tag; var $state; var $input; var $ptr; var $unget; var $verbatim; var $debug; var $tagmarker; var $end_tagmarker; var $pat_main; var $pat_comment; var $pat_comment2; var $pat_wiki; function __construct($string, $tagmarker = '[') { $regex_beginmarkers = Array( '[' => '\[', '<' => '<', '{' => '\{', '(' => '\(' ); $regex_endmarkers = Array( '[' => '\]', '<' => '>', '{' => '\}', '(' => '\)' ); $endmarkers = Array( '[' => ']', '<' => '>', '{' => '}', '(' => ')' ); if (!isset($regex_endmarkers[$tagmarker])) $tagmarker = '['; $e = $regex_endmarkers[$tagmarker]; $b = $regex_beginmarkers[$tagmarker]; $this->tagmarker = $tagmarker; $this->end_tagmarker = $endmarkers[$tagmarker]; $this->pat_main = "/( " . "{$b}" . "(?! -- | ' | !-- | {$b}{$b} )" . "(?: [^\\n\\r{$b}{$e}] | \\\" [^\\\"\\n\\r]* \\\" | \\' [^\\'\\n\\r]* \\' )*" . "{$e}" . "| {$b}{$b} (?: [^{$e}\\r\\n] | {$e}[^{$e}\\r\\n] )* {$e}{$e}" . "| {$b} (?: -- | ' ) (?: [^{$e}\\n\\r]* ) {$e}" . "| {$b}!-- (?: [^-] | -[^-] | --[^{$e}] )* --{$e}" . "| -----+" . "| \\x0D\\x0A | \\x0A\\x0D | \\x0D | \\x0A" . "| [\\x00-\\x09\\x0B-\\x0C\\x0E-\\x20]+(?=[\\x0D\\x0A{$b}]|-----|$)" . "| (?<=[\\x0D\\x0A{$e}]|-----|^)[\\x00-\\x09\\x0B-\\x0C\\x0E-\\x20]+" . " )/Dx"; $this->input = preg_split($this->pat_main, $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $this->pat_comment = "/^ {$b} (?: -- | ' ) /Dx"; $this->pat_comment2 = "/^ {$b}!-- (?: [^-] | -[^-] | --[^{$e}] )* --{$e} $/Dx"; $this->pat_wiki = "/^ {$b}{$b} ([^\\|]*) (?:\\|(.*))? {$e}{$e} $/Dx"; $this->ptr = 0; $this->unget = false; $this->state = BBCODE_LEXSTATE_TEXT; $this->verbatim = false; $this->token = BBCODE_EOI; $this->tag = false; $this->text = ""; } function BBCodeLexer($string, $tagmarker = '[') { $this->__construct($string, $tagmarker); } function GuessTextLength() { $length = 0; $ptr = 0; $state = BBCODE_LEXSTATE_TEXT; while ($ptr < count($this->input)) { $text = $this->input[$ptr++]; if ($state == BBCODE_LEXSTATE_TEXT) { $state = BBCODE_LEXSTATE_TAG; $length += strlen($text); } else { switch (ord(substr($this->text, 0, 1))) { case 10: case 13: $state = BBCODE_LEXSTATE_TEXT; $length++; break; default: $state = BBCODE_LEXSTATE_TEXT; $length += strlen($text); break; case 40: case 60: case 91: case 123: $state = BBCODE_LEXSTATE_TEXT; break; } } } return $length; } function NextToken() { if ($this->unget) { $this->unget = false; return $this->token; } while (true) { if ($this->ptr >= count($this->input)) { $this->text = ""; $this->tag = false; return $this->token = BBCODE_EOI; } $this->text = preg_replace("/[\\x00-\\x08\\x0B-\\x0C\\x0E-\\x1F]/", "", $this->input[$this->ptr++]); if ($this->verbatim) { $this->tag = false; if ($this->state == BBCODE_LEXSTATE_TEXT) { $this->state = BBCODE_LEXSTATE_TAG; $token_type = BBCODE_TEXT; } else { $this->state = BBCODE_LEXSTATE_TEXT; switch (ord(substr($this->text, 0, 1))) { case 10: case 13: $token_type = BBCODE_NL; break; default: $token_type = BBCODE_WS; break; case 45: case 40: case 60: case 91: case 123: $token_type = BBCODE_TEXT; break; } } if (strlen($this->text) > 0) return $this->token = $token_type; } else if ($this->state == BBCODE_LEXSTATE_TEXT) { $this->state = BBCODE_LEXSTATE_TAG; $this->tag = false; if (strlen($this->text) > 0) return $this->token = BBCODE_TEXT; } else { switch (ord(substr($this->text, 0, 1))) { case 10: case 13: $this->tag = false; $this->state = BBCODE_LEXSTATE_TEXT; return $this->token = BBCODE_NL; case 45: if (preg_match("/^-----/", $this->text)) { $this->tag = Array('_name' => 'rule', '_endtag' => false, '_default' => ''); $this->state = BBCODE_LEXSTATE_TEXT; return $this->token = BBCODE_TAG; } else { $this->tag = false; $this->state = BBCODE_LEXSTATE_TEXT; if (strlen($this->text) > 0) return $this->token = BBCODE_TEXT; continue; } default: $this->tag = false; $this->state = BBCODE_LEXSTATE_TEXT; return $this->token = BBCODE_WS; case 40: case 60: case 91: case 123: if (preg_match($this->pat_comment, $this->text)) { $this->state = BBCODE_LEXSTATE_TEXT; continue; } if (preg_match($this->pat_comment2, $this->text)) { $this->state = BBCODE_LEXSTATE_TEXT; continue; } if (preg_match($this->pat_wiki, $this->text, $matches)) { $this->tag = Array('_name' => 'wiki', '_endtag' => false, '_default' => @$matches[1], 'title' => @$matches[2]); $this->state = BBCODE_LEXSTATE_TEXT; return $this->token = BBCODE_TAG; } $this->tag = $this->Internal_DecodeTag($this->text); $this->state = BBCODE_LEXSTATE_TEXT; return $this->token = ($this->tag['_end'] ? BBCODE_ENDTAG : BBCODE_TAG); } } } } function UngetToken() { if ($this->token !== BBCODE_EOI) $this->unget = true; } function PeekToken() { $result = $this->NextToken(); if ($this->token !== BBCODE_EOI) $this->unget = true; return $result; } function SaveState() { return Array( 'token' => $this->token, 'text' => $this->text, 'tag' => $this->tag, 'state' => $this->state, 'input' => $this->input, 'ptr' => $this->ptr, 'unget' => $this->unget, 'verbatim' => $this->verbatim ); } function RestoreState($state) { if (!is_array($state)) return; $this->token = @$state['token']; $this->text = @$state['text']; $this->tag = @$state['tag']; $this->state = @$state['state']; $this->input = @$state['input']; $this->ptr = @$state['ptr']; $this->unget = @$state['unget']; $this->verbatim = @$state['verbatim']; } function Internal_StripQuotes($string) { if (preg_match("/^\\\"(.*)\\\"$/", $string, $matches)) return $matches[1]; else if (preg_match("/^\\'(.*)\\'$/", $string, $matches)) return $matches[1]; else return $string; } function Internal_ClassifyPiece($ptr, $pieces) { if ($ptr >= count($pieces)) return -1; $piece = $pieces[$ptr]; if ($piece == '=') return '='; else if (preg_match("/^[\\'\\\"]/", $piece)) return '"'; else if (preg_match("/^[\\x00-\\x20]+$/", $piece)) return ' '; else return 'A'; } function Internal_DecodeTag($tag) { $result = Array('_tag' => $tag, '_endtag' => '', '_name' => '', '_hasend' => false, '_end' => false, '_default' => false); $tag = substr($tag, 1, strlen($tag)-2); $ch = ord(substr($tag, 0, 1)); if ($ch >= 0 && $ch <= 32) return $result; $pieces = preg_split("/(\\\"[^\\\"]+\\\"|\\'[^\\']+\\'|=|[\\x00-\\x20]+)/", $tag, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE|PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $ptr = 0; if (count($pieces) < 1) return $result; if (@substr($pieces[$ptr], 0, 1) == '/') { $result['_name'] = strtolower(substr($pieces[$ptr++], 1)); $result['_end'] = true; } else { $result['_name'] = strtolower($pieces[$ptr++]); $result['_end'] = false; } while (($type = $this->Internal_ClassifyPiece($ptr, $pieces)) == ' ') $ptr++; $params = Array(); if ($type != '=') { $result['_default'] = false; $params[] = Array('key' => '', 'value' => ''); } else { $ptr++; while (($type = $this->Internal_ClassifyPiece($ptr, $pieces)) == ' ') $ptr++; if ($type == "\"") $value = $this->Internal_StripQuotes($pieces[$ptr++]); else { $after_space = false; $start = $ptr; while (($type = $this->Internal_ClassifyPiece($ptr, $pieces)) != -1) { if ($type == ' ') $after_space = true; if ($type == '=' && $after_space) break; $ptr++; } if ($type == -1) $ptr--; if ($type == '=') { $ptr--; while ($ptr > $start && $this->Internal_ClassifyPiece($ptr, $pieces) == ' ') $ptr--; while ($ptr > $start && $this->Internal_ClassifyPiece($ptr, $pieces) != ' ') $ptr--; } $value = ""; for (; $start <= $ptr; $start++) { if ($this->Internal_ClassifyPiece($start, $pieces) == ' ') $value .= " "; else $value .= $this->Internal_StripQuotes($pieces[$start]); } $value = trim($value); $ptr++; } $result['_default'] = $value; $params[] = Array('key' => '', 'value' => $value); } while (($type = $this->Internal_ClassifyPiece($ptr, $pieces)) != -1) { while ($type == ' ') { $ptr++; $type = $this->Internal_ClassifyPiece($ptr, $pieces); } if ($type == 'A' || $type == '"') $key = strtolower($this->Internal_StripQuotes(@$pieces[$ptr++])); else if ($type == '=') { $ptr++; continue; } else if ($type == -1) break; while (($type = $this->Internal_ClassifyPiece($ptr, $pieces)) == ' ') $ptr++; if ($type != '=') $value = $this->Internal_StripQuotes($key); else { $ptr++; while (($type = $this->Internal_ClassifyPiece($ptr, $pieces)) == ' ') $ptr++; if ($type == '"') { $value = $this->Internal_StripQuotes($pieces[$ptr++]); } else if ($type != -1) { $value = $pieces[$ptr++]; while (($type = $this->Internal_ClassifyPiece($ptr, $pieces)) != -1 && $type != ' ') $value .= $pieces[$ptr++]; } else $value = ""; } if (substr($key, 0, 1) != '_') $result[$key] = $value; $params[] = Array('key' => $key, 'value' => $value); } $result['_params'] = $params; return $result; } }
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