Registers the Forums admin color scheme
Because wp-content can exist outside of the WordPress root there is no way to be certain what the relative path of the admin images is. We are including the two most common configurations here, just in case.
File: bp-forums/admin/admin.php
public function register_admin_style () { // RTL and/or minified $suffix = is_rtl() ? '-rtl' : ''; //$suffix .= defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min'; // Mint wp_admin_css_color( 'bbp-mint', esc_html__( 'Mint', 'buddyboss' ), $this->styles_url . 'mint' . $suffix . '.css', array( '#4f6d59', '#33834e', '#5FB37C', '#81c498' ), array( 'base' => '#f1f3f2', 'focus' => '#fff', 'current' => '#fff' ) ); // Evergreen wp_admin_css_color( 'bbp-evergreen', esc_html__( 'Evergreen', 'buddyboss' ), $this->styles_url . 'evergreen' . $suffix . '.css', array( '#324d3a', '#446950', '#56b274', '#324d3a' ), array( 'base' => '#f1f3f2', 'focus' => '#fff', 'current' => '#fff' ) ); // Bail if already using the fresh color scheme if ( 'fresh' === get_user_option( 'admin_color' ) ) { return; } // Force 'colors-fresh' dependency global $wp_styles; $wp_styles->registered[ 'colors' ]->deps[] = 'colors-fresh'; }
Version | Description |
bbPress (r2521) | Introduced. |
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